October 13, 2000

Munzes to speak at Schweitzer conference

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Clinton Colmenares

Dr. Walter Munz, vice president of L’hopital Albert Schweitzer a Lambarene, will speak during the International Albert Schweitzer Conference at 7 p.m. on Oct. 13 in Light Hall. Munz will speak on “The Message of Lambarene in the Past, Present and Future.”

Munz first met Dr. Schweitzer in 1961 and later became director of his hospital in 1964. His wife Jo Adrianna Munz-Boddingius, who served as a midwife at the Schweitzer Hospital, will join him. She will discuss “My Joy of Having Been a Midwife in Lambarene” at 4 p.m. in Light Hall.

Both visits are part of the School of Nursing’s contribution to the symposium celebrating the 125th anniversary of Dr. Schweitzer’s birth.

The conference brings together people who knew Dr. Schweitzer and who worked with him and those who serve as authorities on his life, his writings and his philosophy.