More than 4,000 staff and faculty members participated in National Employee Health and Fitness Day May 19. Health Plus staff and an army of volunteers passed out free juice and bagels behind Light Hall and the Eskind Biomedical Library from 6:45 to 8:45 a.m., there was a walking relay for teams of four from all over campus, and a Super Aerobics Class for Health Plus members was held from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Campus Recreation Center, with four different classes combined.
In addition, blood pressure checks and weigh-ins were held at 13 locations on campus throughout the day, and Health Plus allowed those who could not participate in the scheduled activities to tell by fax what activities they did to receive a prize.
“Overall the day was a huge success,” said Stacey Kendrick, coordinator of Health Promotion for Health Plus.