September 19, 2008

New award program honors those who exemplify Credo

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New award program honors those who exemplify Credo

The centrality of the Vanderbilt Medical Center Credo is underlined by the new elevate Credo Award, a staff and faculty award program introduced at last week's elevate Leadership Development Institute.

Every three months, as many as three elevate Credo Award winners will be announced. The award will carry an after-taxes prize of $500.

The new award complements the institution's other morale building employee award programs, including Recognize, in which awards are granted throughout the year by hundreds of individual VMC managers, and the more centralized and higher profile Commodore Award.

“The new award is another way to acknowledge and celebrate the role models in our midst,” said Chief Learning Officer Peter Giammalvo, Ph.D.

“The Credo speaks to our core values as an organization. It's in many ways the foundation for the success of the Medical Center — it provides the code of behavior that specifies how we treat each other. This award is intended less to acknowledge single actions than to recognize staff and faculty who exemplify the Credo day in and day out,” Giammalvo said.

The Credo is intended to guide all work at the Medical Center. A mainstay of staff and faculty orientation, the Credo is also used in performance evaluations and thus figures in the pay for performance system that underlies annual staff salary adjustments at VMC.

Nomination forms and a list of Credo Award criteria are available on the elevate Web site (accessible through the VMC Web site, under Resources for Employees) and from the elevate brochure stand in the Vanderbilt University Hospital service elevator lobby.