May 30, 2008

New calendar to coordinate VMC events

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Vanderbilt Medical Center’s new online event calendar launches June 2.

New calendar to coordinate VMC events

Vanderbilt Medical Center is an extraordinarily busy place.

From meetings, lectures, symposia, presentations, addresses and workshops to lunches, fundraisers, dissertation defenses and receptions, thousands of events are held on and around the VMC campus each year.

When it launches on Monday, June 2, VMC's new online Calendar of Events — — will become the institutional keeper of these separate, yet intertwined, threads of activity. It will, in essence, be the place to go to find out what's happening, when it's happening and where it's happening.

“People wanted a central location where they can go to see what's going on at the Medical Center,” said Rhonda Kelley, VMC Calendar of Events administrator. “That's what we've tried to do.”

Kelley, under the supervision of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, will act as a gatekeeper of sorts, directing event submissions to the appropriate section of the calendar. Some events may be listed on the institution-wide main page; others may be listed on one of several available department-specific calendars, each of which has its own administrator.

The new centralized Calendar of Events is the culmination of a year's worth of planning and design. Coordinating the flow of event information at an institution as large as VMC, and then presenting that information in a way that is clear and useful, was indeed a daunting task.

“We've been bombarded with interest about the new calendar,” said Shelia Gad, executive assistant in the Vice Chancellor's Office, who headed the calendar's steering committee. “We're so excited to be able to make this available to the entire Medical Center. It's going to be a great planning tool.”

To access the new Web-based calendar, go to It will also be accessible via the front page of VMC's internal home page ( beginning on the launch date of June 2.

To post an event, go to the calendar homepage and click the 'submit' button.

The following information must be submitted in order to post an event:

• Title of the event

• Date

• Location

• Contact person and contact e-mail address.

The new calendar also allows those posting upcoming events to include links to more specific information about the event.

For more information on the new VMC Calendar of Events, e-mail Kelley at