February 17, 2011

New project showcases VU every day for an entire year

Featured Image

Patient Dovie Harrison works on her motor skills with helper Jedi at the Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks. (photo by John Russell)

A new view of Vanderbilt University — its people, places and events — is being showcased each day in 2011 on 365@VU, a new stream on the photo sharing website flickr.

Valerie Martino walks past the statue "Ascension."  (photo by Joe Howell)

Valerie Martino walks past the statue "Ascension." (photo by Joe Howell)

The project features a new photo by Vanderbilt's Photography Services team every day.

The photographers are capturing their unique perspectives on the life of the University and Medical Center in the course of their daily assignments.

The project is a partnership between Creative Services and University Web Communications in the Division of Public Affairs.

Visit 365@VU today.