February 1, 2002

News Briefs

Featured Image

Dr. Thomas Dina is the director of the Residency Training Program. (photo by Dana Johnson)

Award deadline is March 1

The deadline for application and essay submissions to the sixth Senator C Hieronymus Award is March 1. The award is presented annually by the Center for Clinical and Research Ethics to a currently enrolled graduate or professional student at Vanderbilt University for outstanding written essay on a topic in medical humanities.

The essay should not be longer than 25 pages. Applicants are asked to send three copies to the Center for Clinical Research Ethics, 319 Oxford House, 37232-4350. For more information, contact Stuart G. Finder, Ph.D., director of the center, at 936-2686.

Stein named CP&T editor

Dr. C. Michael Stein, associate professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, has recently been named editor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CP&T).

Stein has been involved in many areas of clinical pharmacology including drug utilization, rheumatology, HIV, clinical vascular biology, drug metabolism, and interethnic differences in drug response and pharmacogenetics.

Founded in 1960, CP&T is the leading journal in the discipline of clinical pharmacology. Stein has published extensively in the journal and has served as a reviewer and member of the Editorial Board. He will serve as only the third editor in the journal’s history.

Stein trained in South Africa and completed his internship in New Zealand. He worked in Zimbabwe from 1980 to1990, much of the time as a clinical pharmacologist. Stein joined Vanderbilt in 1990.

Seddon chosen to advise NASA

Dr. Margaret Rhea Seddon, assistant chief medical officer of the Vanderbilt Medical Group, has been selected to serve as a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Aerospace Medicine and Medicine in Extreme Environments.

Through studies, workshops and other activities, the committee advises NASA concerning the development of optimal aerospace medicine health care as an evolving multidisciplinary and international enterprise.

Seddon will hold the committee appointment until Sept 30, 2003.

Faculty awards deadline is Feb. 18

Nominations are being accepted from faculty for the 2002 Faculty Research Awards. Awards include:

• Stanley Cohen Faculty Research Award for research bringing diverse disciplines, such as chemistry or physics, to solve biology’s most important fundamental problems.

• Charles R. Park Faculty Research Award for basic research findings that reveal insights into physiology and pathophysiology.

• William Darby Faculty Research Award for translational research that provides significant advances in medical practice or health care services.

• Grant W. Liddle Faculty Research Award for excellence in clinical research.

• Sidney P. Colowick Faculty Research Award for excellence in research that serves as a platform for discovery in diverse research areas.

• Ernest William Goodpasture Faculty Research Award for two or more faculty who have joined forces to address important biological problems and their role in disease pathogenesis.

• John H. Exton Research Award for research leading to innovative biological concepts.

Nominations should be received by Feb. 18. Six copies of each nomination package must be provided for distribution to the selection committee. The nomination package should include a nominating letter, curriculum vitae of the candidate, and three manuscripts representing the most significant work of the candidate. Please indicate the award category for which you intend to nominate the individual. Send nominations to Barbara Meyrick, Ph.D., director of Program Development, MCN CCC-3322 (#2103).

Award recipients will be announced at the Spring Faculty Meeting on April 8.