Susan Wente, Ph.D., professor and chair of Cell & Developmental Biology and a collaborator of one of the groups.
Sickle cell clinics consolidate
Vanderbilt Medical Group pediatric and adult hematologists recently established a joint clinic to allow sickle cell patients of all ages to be seen in a single location. Increasing referrals are allowing VMG to plan to expand services for these patients.
Hematologists participating in the clinic include Drs. John Flexner, Sadhna Shankar, and Adetola Kassim. The clinic is held Tuesday in the VCH outpatient center on the fifth floor of Medical Center East.
To refer pediatric patients to the sickle cell clinic, call 6-1762; too refer adult patients, call 6-1803.
Recovery Room nurse visited by Santa Claus
Longtime Main Recovery Room nurse Tom Connor was hit by a car near his Hendersonville home the week before Thanksgiving. He was recovering at home from his injuries when he was surprised by the delivery of a massive gift basket, courtesy of coworkers who contributed the money and of Santa Claus and his lovely wife Mrs. Claus, who made the delivery.
“I am truly humbled by the outpouring of love and prayers from so many,” Connor, whose wife Lisa is a nurse at Health Plus, said. “You have encouraged me and uplifted me.”
Mumford named Admitting Director
Jim Mumford has been named Admitting Department Director. Mumford comes to Vanderbilt from Ohio where he was an administrator for Select Medical Corporation, which operates specialty hospitals and outpatient facilities.
Mumford has experience in billing, collections and contracting as well as in daily operations of physician practices and hospitals. His first day will be Monday, Jan. 20.
Spending account procedures to change in 2003
During Open Enrollment, Human Resource Services announced a change in how claims will be processed for the Flexible Reimbursement Accounts (FRA) and Personal Spending Accounts (PSA) beginning in 2003.
The FlexBen Corporation will administer all FRA and PSA claims beginning next year. The reason for this change is two-fold: to deal with more complicated legal requirements and to provide greater customer service.
Recent legislation imposes administrative burdens related to the disclosure and handling of protected health information. FlexBen, selected through a bidding process, will comply with all new legislation as well as provide Vanderbilt faculty and staff with the highest level of customer service and access to account information.
In December, FlexBen will send 2003 FRA and PSA plan participants introductory packets with claims forms and instructions on new filing procedures for claims. Information on enhanced services including direct deposit and Web access to account information 24 hours a day, seven days a week will also be included. The mailing will go to home addresses on record with Human Resource Services.
Current year (2002) plan participants should continue to send claims for services received in 2002 only to the Benefits Office, Human Resource Services, Box 357700, Station B. The deadline for receiving 2002 claims is Feb. 28, 2003.