Barbara Cramer
News Office lands awards for communications efforts

John Howser

Nancy Humphrey
Three members of VUMC's Office of News and Public Affairs were recently recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Barbara Cramer, John Howser and Nancy Humphrey were named Circle of Excellence winners for their contributions to various Medical Center communication efforts.
Cramer received a gold medal in the Electronic Media: Video News Releases category for her submission, which included stories about whooping cough vaccinations for newborns, a patient self-help group for debilitating arthritis and children learning how to find germs on their hands by washing with “Glow Germ.” Cramer produces these video news releases, similar to press releases, for VUMC, which are then sent out to various local and national news media. The gold medal she received was the only one awarded in this division.
Howser received a bronze medal for his article “Of Death and Dying at VUMC,” featured in the October 2004 issue of House Organ. More than 100 articles were submitted in the Best Articles of the Year category, and Howser's was one of 11 to be honored with a medal. The article discussed the unavoidable presence of death in the hospital setting, and talked about how staff, family, and all others involved deal with death and dying.
Humphrey, editor of Vanderbilt Medicine, was awarded a gold medal for best cover in the Visual Design in Print category. “Escaping the Prison of Eating Disorders,” the Vanderbilt Medicine cover of the spring 2004 issue, featured a girl looking through the tines of a fork as if they were prison bars. Vanderbilt Medicine, the alumni magazine of VUSM, is designed by Diana Duren, of Corporate Design in Nashville.