Kenneth Hande, M.D.
NIH grant boosts clinical oncology research training
A $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has created an opportunity for training junior faculty and senior clinical fellows in clinical oncology research.
Kenneth Hande, M.D., medical oncologist in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, is the principal investigator of this five-year grant, called the Vanderbilt Clinical Oncology Research Career Development Program (VCORCDP).
The program will train physicians for careers in academic-oriented, therapeutic research in clinical cancer cases. The VCORCDP can support three new trainees per year. Two years of training support are guaranteed, with the possibility of a third year.
Support for trainees selected by the VCORCDP Advisory Board includes up to $75,000 in salary support, $2,000 for travel to scientific meetings, $16,000 for tuition for either Vanderbilt's Masters of Clinical Education, or Masters of Public Health Program and material, and $12,000 for lab supplies.
Trainees will participate in a comprehensive lecture series which will focus on the important aspects of clinical research. All trainees will also participate in a mentored, patient-oriented, hypothesis-driven clinical research project to expose them to Vanderbilt's extensive multidisciplinary research community.
The proposed training program faculty consists of 38 mentors who are experienced clinical investigators or basic scientists with the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.
Trainees successfully completing the two-year didactic lectures and patient-oriented research will be awarded a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation or Masters of Public Health degree from Vanderbilt.
The VCORCDP Advisory Board includes members from four oncology disciplines — adult Hematology and Oncology, General Surgery/Surgical Oncology, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, and Radiation Oncology.
Current trainees in the program include Brain Engelhardt, M.D., Alexander Parikh, M.D., and Laura Williams, M.D.
Senior Clinical Fellows or Junior Faculty Members at Vanderbilt who are interested in a career in clinical cancer research are eligible to apply for training support. Applications will be accepted in January for support of training beginning July 1, 2007. Applications must include a CV, a one-to-two page outline of a proposed research plan, a letter of recommendation from a proposed mentor, and a one-half to one-page summary of career goals.
For more information contact Hande at: kenneth.hande@vanderbilt.edu. Applications should be sent to Crystal Wynne at 777 Preston Research Building, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2220 Pierce Ave; Nashville, Tenn. 37232-6307.