February 14, 2003

Nominations for faculty awards accepted

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The new online safety training program was launched to accommodate employees with busy schedules and to satisfy the required training for all VUMC staff.

Nominations are being accepted through Feb. 21 for the 2003 Faculty Research Awards, to be presented at the Spring Faculty Meeting.

The awards include the Stanley Cohen Faculty Research Award; Charles R. Park Faculty Research Award; William Darby Faculty Research Award; Grant W. Liddle Faculty Research Award; Sidney P. Colowick Faculty Research Award; Ernest William Goodpasture Faculty Research Award; and John H. Exton Research Award.

The nomination package should include a letter, curriculum vitae of the candidate, and three manuscripts representing the most significant work of the candidate. Please indicate the award category. Send nominations to Barbara Meyrick, Ph.D., director of program development, MCN CCC-3322.