February 14, 2003

Nurses asked to care for selves Feb. 21

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The new online safety training program was launched to accommodate employees with busy schedules and to satisfy the required training for all VUMC staff.

Wellness Day, an event to begin learning about Vanderbilt’s offerings to help nurses feel better, live healthier, or simply have fun, is Feb. 21, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. in 2702-2703 TVC.

Representatives from the Nurse Wellness Committee, EAP/Worklife Connections, Health Plus, Dayani, the Women’s Center and other Vanderbilt areas will be at the event to talk with participants.

The committee, part of the VUMC-wide Quality of Work Life Task Force, has been working for more than a year to improve the work life of nurses both during a shift and after work.

Contact Krista Correnti at 343-8551 for more information.