February 3, 2006

Patient care, safety at heart of new awards

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Photo by Dana Johnson

Patient care, safety at heart of new awards

The Department of Risk Management is instituting two new awards this quarter, the first annual Physician Risk Management Award and the first annual Housestaff Risk Management Award.

Eligible physicians and house staff include persons who have been practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) for at least one year.

Employees who strive to improve patient care and safety, identify areas of potential improvement related to patient care and safety and who have developed or improved processes that have resulted in significant improvements to patient care and safety can be nominated to receive the first annual awards.

Other important characteristics include a community-minded individual supportive of Vanderbilt's mission to provide the highest quality education, research, patient care and community service.

Nominations are due by Feb. 28 and should be submitted to 2006 Physician or Housestaff Risk Management Award, 610 Oxford House.

For additional information or to obtain a nomination form go to http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/root/vumc.php?site=RiskMgmt&doc=1764. For any questions, please call Diane Moat at 936-0658.