Thomas Graham, M.D.
Pediatric surgery group honors VMC’s Graham
Thomas Graham, M.D., professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus, has received the 2008 Founders Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery.
The award, established in 1988, recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of pediatric cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.
It will be presented Oct. 12 during the section's annual scientific program in Boston, and is one of four awards given each year.
“I am very fortunate to have worked with so many outstanding and supportive physicians, nurses, technicians and administrators at Vanderbilt. They should all feel a part and share in this wonderful honor.
“I have been incredibly blessed with great support from my family and the staff at Children's Hospital,” Graham said.
Graham received his medical degree from Duke University, and performed a pediatric residency at Boston Children's Hospital.
Following a pediatric cardiology fellowship at Duke and postdoctoral experimental training in cardiovascular physiology at the National Institutes of Health, Graham joined the Vanderbilt faculty as the director of the Division of Pediatric Cardiology in 1971.
He was honored with the Ann and Monroe Carell Family Chair in 1975. Graham has also been honored as the Alexander Nadas lecturer at the American Heart Association and with the Gifted Teacher Award of the American College of Cardiology.
He has served as chair of the Pediatric Cardiology Sub-board of the American Board of Pediatrics, the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young of the AHA, the Congenital Heart Disease Committee of the ACC, and president of the International Society of Congenital Heart Disease.