September 1, 2011

Program orients new providers to clinical systems

Program orients new providers to clinical systems

Vanderbilt Medical Group’s Training and Organizational Development Office (TODO) has launched a new provider orientation program, offering hands-on systems training and informational sessions on topics such as quality, safety, documentation and professionalism.

New Provider Orientation is for all inpatient and outpatient physicians and nurse practitioners who join Vanderbilt University Medical Center as of July 1.

The orientation gives new providers the opportunity to become familiar with clinical systems and processes prior to becoming immersed in their clinical practices, allowing for the consistent practice of procedures across the Medical Center.

“This experience also helps the new providers settle in to their clinics, affirming that they have made the right choice in joining Vanderbilt, where they can contribute and feel valued,” said Summer Garrison, program coordinator.

The first two-day orientation was held in August, and sessions will be offered monthly at the Green Hills Office Building at 3841 Green Hills Village Dr. The next session is Sept. 14-15.

“We received great feedback from our first session. Attendees said it was a great concept,” Garrison said.

Providers who are required to attend the orientation will receive communication from the VMG Systems & Service Education Department through the Learning Exchange System.

“This comprehensive program resulted both from the recent VMG Strategic Plan as well as the recognition by the clinical chairs that we had a significant opportunity to better integrate our new faculty into the Vanderbilt system,” said Paul Sternberg, M.D., chief medical officer of VMG and chair of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.

If a provider would like to attend orientation early, contact Garrison at 875-3199 or