Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s 21st Annual Research Forum, held April 23 in Light Hall, provided an opportunity for VUMC residents, clinical fellows, and medical students to present research conducted at Vanderbilt.
The research forum was established and is sponsored by the VUMC House Staff Advisory Council. Research is a strong part of post-graduate education; this year a total of 83 abstracts were submitted for the forum — nearly three times more than last year.
Volunteer faculty evaluated the abstracts and selected the six most meritorious—three in Basic Science Research and three in Clinical Research—to make oral presentations at the forum.
Monetary awards were given for all of the oral presentations as well as the overall best Basic and Clinical Research posters. The best overall oral presenters (one for Basic and one for Clinical) were awarded an Elliot V. Newman Award of $500.
This year’s forum, chaired by Dr. Kimberly Draud, resident in Radiology, was moderated by Dr. John A Zic, last year’s recipient of the Grant W. Liddle Award. Members of the voluntary review committee included Drs. Edwin Donnelly, Kathryn Edwards, Wes Ely, Craig Lockhart, Scott Pearson, and Herbert Schwartz.
Award winners this year were:
•Elliot V. Newman Award for Basic Science Oral Presentation, John V. Williams, PGY-1 Medicine
•Elliot V. Newman Award for Clinical Research Oral Presentation, Hector A. Malave, PGY-6 Cardiology
•Best Basic Science Poster Presentation, Robin Ryther, M.D./Ph.D. student
•Best Clinical Research Poster Presentation, Eric L. Grogan, PGY-3 General Surgery
•Grant W. Liddle Award, Dr. Herbert S. Schwartz, professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Winners of the teaching awards, voted on by third- and fourth-year medical students, were:
•Davies Teaching Award, Jeanette Nordon, Ph.D., professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
•Brittingham Teaching Award, Dr. William J. Stone, professor of Medicine (Nephrology)
•Resident Teaching Awards: Brad Boyd, PGY-4 Med Peds; Jeff Dendy, PGY-3 Medicine; Brian Smith, PGY-2 Medicine; Pete Swarr, PGY-4 Med Peds
•Hillman Award, Paul Wise, PGY-5 General Surgery.