Dr. Kim Lomis instructs Meharry medical student Nick Strane during a recent colon surgery. (photo by Dana Johnson)
“Run to the Max,” a day of family fun including a 5.3-mile run and a 1-mile fun walk/run, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Percy Warner Park to benefit meningitis research at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Other activities will include tethered balloon rides, face painting, and games sponsored by Adventureworks. Registration will begin at 6:30 a.m. The five-mile run will begin at 8 a.m. and the one-mile walk/run will begin at 8:15 a.m.
The event is named in honor of 2-year-old Max Royka, who suffered from meningitis when he was 6 weeks old and was treated at VCH. Max and his parents will be at the event. For more information, visit www.runtothemax.com.