March 10, 2006

Satisfaction survey lets voices be heard

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Satisfaction survey lets voices be heard

Vanderbilt University will conduct its next employee satisfaction survey March 20-31.

This is the fourth survey of VUMC staff and faculty satisfaction since 1999.

“The survey is an absolutely invaluable tool for management,” said Medical Center Vice Chancellor Harry Jacobson, M.D. “The findings help us make changes and shape new programs to boost satisfaction and job retention, which in turn promotes better performance and helps us fulfill our mission. We would like every member of the staff and faculty to fill out the survey and let their voice be heard.”

Employees will receive a packet of information about the survey later this month from their supervisors. Staff and faculty will have the option of filling out the survey online or on paper.

Past survey results led to salary bonuses for VUMC staff in 2000, 2004 and 2005, after employees signaled that the Medical Center could do better at sharing financial successes with staff.

Employees have also signaled for more help to balance their work at Vanderbilt with outside activities and commitments. This led to a free VUMC errand service, Vanderbilt Valet, as well as to a new flexible work scheduling policy and an adoption benefit. Employees asked for more opportunities for career advancement and that led to a new career development program for entry-level staff, sponsored by Human Resources.

For analysis of survey results, the survey vendor provides national data for the responses to many of the questions appearing on the Vanderbilt survey. In the last survey, conducted in 2004, VUMC employee satisfaction was above the nation on 15 questions, on par with the nation on 22 questions and below the nation on only two questions.

Under elevate, VUMC executives have set a target for 2006 employee satisfaction results: they seek a commitment index of at least 4.15, compared to 4.0 in 2004; they seek a organization index of 4.0, compared to 3.6 in 2004; they seek a management index of 4.0, compared to 3.9 in 2004; and they seek an employee index of 4.0, compared to 3.9 in 2004.

Supervisors will begin presenting survey results to staff in June. Results will also be available over the Web.