September 30, 2005

Scenes from Employee Celebration

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Harry R. Jacobson, M.D., vice chancellor for Health Affairs, congratulates Carol Eck, administrative director of the Cancer Patient Care Center, on 25 years of service to Vanderbilt during the Silver Salute this week.
photo by Dana Johnson

Stacey Kendrick of Health Plus models an ensemble from Chico's during a fashion show this week at the theater in the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. All the models were Vanderbilt employees. 
photo by Dana Johnson

Stacey Kendrick of Health Plus models an ensemble from Chico's during a fashion show this week at the theater in the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. All the models were Vanderbilt employees.
photo by Dana Johnson

Jane Tugurian congratulates Michael Hutcherson of Plant Operations on his 25 years of service to Vanderbilt.
photo by Dana Johnson

Jane Tugurian congratulates Michael Hutcherson of Plant Operations on his 25 years of service to Vanderbilt.
photo by Dana Johnson

Michael DeGregory of the Mirror restaurant makes grilled Brie cheese sandwiches during the Taste at Vandy event last week.
photo by Dana Johnson

Michael DeGregory of the Mirror restaurant makes grilled Brie cheese sandwiches during the Taste at Vandy event last week.
photo by Dana Johnson