February 23, 2007

Science career workshop set

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(photo by Anne Rayner)

The Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training at Vanderbilt University will hold a workshop, “Successfully Launching Your Scientific Career: A Career Development Workshop,” March 7 and 8 in 208 Light Hall.

The event will feature presentations by scientists who have successfully navigated the process of landing an academic job and maintaining a fruitful research career. Postdoctoral fellows, faculty and senior graduate students are invited to attend.

Topics will include the academic job search, funding strategies, lab management, setting up a new lab, teaching, publishing and research ethics.

The workshop is free, but registration is required. The first 25 registrants will receive a complimentary copy of the book, “Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Lab Management for Postdocs and New Faculty.”

For the full schedule of presentations and to register for the workshop, go to https://medschool.mc.vanderbilt.edu/career_symposium/index_2007.php.