May 14, 2004

Stone receives CANDLE Award

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William Stone, M.D.

William Stone, M.D., chief of Nephrology at the V.A. Medical Center, and professor of Medicine, has been named the latest recipient of the CANDLE (Caring, Advocating, Nurturing, Determination, Leadership and Empathy) Award.

The honor is a monthly award given by Vanderbilt medical students to individuals who have devoted themselves to teaching and mentoring.

Recipients of the award are nominated and chosen based upon their positive impact on the lives of physicians-in-training, and are recognized by their students as examples of excellence in medical education.

“Once you make it through his 6-foot-5 imposing stature, you find a great physician, an ideal teacher and a wonderful person,” said a student who nominated Stone for the award.

“His commitment to our learning and the care of the patient was by far the utmost I have ever seen. He put his heart and soul not only into the practice of medicine, but also into the improvement to my own (and the team’s) practice of medicine.”