April 29, 2010

Students, house staff shine at forum

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Eddy Yang, M.D., Ph.D.., discusses his research at the GME Research Forum. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Students, house staff shine at forum

More than 50 Vanderbilt University house staff and medical students participated in last week’s 28th GME Annual Research Forum. The group was judged on research projects based on oral and poster presentations.

“The Forum is a great place to generate ideas and learn about research being performed in other areas within the Medical Center…it is a great chance to practice presenting before we go to national forums,” said Eddy Yang, M.D., Ph.D., chief resident of Radiation Oncology.

Yang won the 2008 and 2009 Elliot V. Newman Award for best Basic Science Research oral presentation. This year he won for his poster presentation, “Targeting BRCA1 Localization to Augment Tumor Cell Susceptibility to Poly (ADP-RIBOSE) Polymerase-1 (PARP1) Inhibitor,” in the Basic Science Research category.

“I am honored to have won and it goes to show the cutting edge research here at the Department of Radiation Oncology at Vanderbilt,” he said. “It also puts a lot of value on the support the department gives to our residents in terms of research time. The opportunities for research at Vanderbilt are tremendous.”

This year’s Clinical Research poster winner was Adam J. Esbenshade, M.D., for “Dapsone Induced Methemoglobinemia A Dose Related Occurrence?”

The 2010 Elliot V. Newman Award winners were: Daniel J. Moore, M.D., Ph.D., “Targeting the Nuclear Import Shuttle Resolves Insulitis and Arrests Type 1 Diabetes” (Basic Science Research) and Joyce P. Granger, M.D., “Reliability of End Tidal CO2 Monitoring in Acute Pediatric Asthmatic Attack” (Clinical Research).

The Grant W. Liddle Award was presented to Hal Moses, M.D., assistant professor of Neurology, for leadership in promoting scientific research.

Discovery Lecturer Peter Schultz, Ph.D., professor of Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute, was the keynote speaker, presenting “A Chemist’s Foray into Translational Research: From Stem Cells to Orphan Diseases.”