November 21, 2008

Success sharing staff bonuses announced

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Amanda Ackermann Misfeldt, Ph.D., and Jeffrey Raum, Ph.D., were honored with Vanderbilt Scholars in Diabetes awards at last week’s Diabetes Day research symposium. (photo by Dana Johnson)

Success sharing staff bonuses announced

Vanderbilt Medical Center success sharing staff bonuses for fiscal year 2008 were announced this week.

Most full-time Medical Center staff hired on or before July 1, 2007, will receive a $450 bonus, and most part-time staff will receive $225. The bonus is subject to federal taxes. It will be included in Nov. 26 paychecks.

“We remain committed to recognizing the contribution our employees make to the Medical Center's financial success,” said Harry Jacobson, M.D., vice chancellor for Health Affairs. “Our institution owes its success to staff who worked hard, sacrificed and did what was needed.”

The Medical Center could not have achieved this success without the continued superior performance that all staff members have demonstrated, Jacobson said.

Critical too is the exceptional teamwork required to ensure that a place as complex as the Medical Center operates so effectively.

“As we look forward to the year ahead, we all recognize that the economy will challenge us, both personally and collectively. To succeed in these tough economic times will require a commitment to each other and a commitment to financial prudence and care. The months ahead will demand the best of all of us, but there is no reason that we cannot be as successful this year as we were last year.

“We will need to work smarter and more efficiently and we need to conserve our resources. If we stay committed to those principles and committed to each other we can meet any challenges that lie ahead,” Jacobson said.