April 24, 1998

Symposium to outline biomedical science career opportunities

Symposium to outline biomedical science career opportunities

A symposium highlighting career opportunities in the biological and biomedical sciences will be held on Friday, May 1 in 208 Light Hall.

The Career Opportunities in Biological and Biomedical Sciences symposium is designed to expose graduate students, post-doctoral students, and others to the wide variety of career options available in these fields.

The symposium will feature presentations by VUMC faculty with Ph.D. degrees who hold a wide variety of jobs in the field of biological and biomedical science.

The first session on teaching, writing and technology transfer will be moderated by Jeanette J. Norden, Ph.D., associate professor of Cell Biology and organizer of the event.

The second session on research and administration at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, will be moderated by Lee E. Limbird, Ph.D., interim chair of Pharmacology and associate vice chancellor for Research.

Dr. Thomas O. Daniel, associate professor of Medicine and Cell Biology, will moderate the final session, which will focus on opportunities in academia, the National Institutes of Health, and foundations.

"We have tried to select people who have worked as researchers and then gone on to pursue other areas," said Larry L. Swift, Ph.D., professor of Pathology. "The purpose of the symposium is simply to explain the many different strategies for developing careers under the general heading of biology."

To register for the free symposium, contact the career symposium administrator at 343-4611 or bmedprog@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu.