Talbot appointed to CDC panel on infection control
Thomas Talbot III, M.D., MPH, associate professor of Medicine, Preventive Medicine and chief hospital epidemiologist, has been appointed to serve a three-year term on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC).
HICPAC is a federal advisory committee made up of 14 external infection control experts who provide advice and guidance to the CDC and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the practice of health care infection control, strategies for surveillance and prevention and control of health care associated infections in United States health care facilities.
One of the primary functions of the committee is to issue recommendations for preventing and controlling health care associated infections in the form of guidelines, resolutions and informal communications.
Other functions and activities include information exchange with CDC staff and formal and informal interactions with other CDC advisory committees such as the National Center for Infectious Diseases Board of Scientific Counselors, the Advisory Counsel on Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
Members are recommended by the CDC and appointed by the Secretary of HHS from experts in the fields of infectious diseases, health care associated infections, nursing, surgery, epidemiology, public health, health outcomes and related areas of expertise.