June 20, 2008

Team captains needed to reach Heart Walk goal

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The American Heart Association's 2008 Nashville Start! Heart Walk is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27, and Vanderbilt Medical Center is recruiting team captains to help reach its goal of raising $400,000.

Jeff Samz, chief executive officer of the Vanderbilt Heart & Vascular Institute, and C. Wright Pinson, M.D., associate vice chancellor for Clinical Affairs, are the co-chairs of the Heart Walk.

If you are interested in serving as a team captain, follow the steps outlined below:

• Register yourself online at www.nashvilleheartwalk.kintera.org.

• Recruit 10 or more fund-raising walkers.

• Set your team's fund-raising dollar goal at $1,000.

• Have your walkers register online and monitor their success at www.nashvilleheartwalk.kintera.org.

• Encourage each walker to raise a minimum of $100.

• Recruit at least one Top Walker raising $1,000.

• Motivate, support and follow-up regularly with your walkers.

• Contact Ed Higgins at ed.higgins@vanderbilt.edu or 936-0301 with any questions.