September 10, 2004

Three generations, same birthday

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Photo by Anne Rayner

Sept. 2 will always be a very big day for the Ferrari family. That’s the day Cherestina entered the world at Vanderbilt at 6 pounds, 9 ounces. It’s also the date her mother, Kim Ferrari was born 36 years ago and the day Kim’s mother, Jeanette Devine was born. “Growing up I remember we’d have one birthday cake, and my candles would be on one side and my mothers on the other,” said Ferrari. Now, Ferrari is anxious to see if she can fit everyone’s candles on one cake for a triple celebration. “That’s a lot of candles,” she said, “or a fire hazard.” Kim and her husband, Keith Ferrari, are members of the board for Parents Reaching Out, a support group for parents of premature babies at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.