June 9, 2011

Time to update VU Directory information

The annual update process has begun for the 2011-2012 Vanderbilt University Directory.
The information for the new edition of the directory is pulled from the online PeopleFinder application.

The following information from PeopleFinder will be listed in the directory:

• Name

• Email address

• Department name

• Department phone number

• Location

Please review your information in PeopleFinder to ensure that it is accurate. If you need to update your information you can log in using your VUnetID and ePassword. Once in the application, select the Personal Update link. The following fields can be updated:

• Phone number

• Voice mail number

• Fax number

• Titles

• Location

• Delivery address

You should contact your Directory-Responsible Person if any other changes are needed or if you experience problems. To find your department’s Directory-Responsible Person:

• Go to the People Finder website (https://phonedirectory.vanderbilt.edu/cdb/index.jsp)

• Under "Department Search" (on the left hand side of the page) enter the Department Name

• Click the "Find" button

• There will be a "View" button on the left side of the name

• Click the "View" button and the Directory-Responsible Person's name will be listed on the page with the department information
If there is not a Directory-Responsible Person listed for your department, please contact peoplefinder@vanderbilt.edu.