February 1, 2002

Vanderbilt tops national list of fund raisers

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Dr. Thomas Dina is the director of the Residency Training Program. (photo by Dana Johnson)

The American Heart Association has named Vanderbilt University Medical Center as one of the top fund raisers in the United States.

Previously ranked No. 3 in fund-raising efforts, the Medical Center moved up a couple of notches after raising more than $124,000 during the Oct. 28, 2001 Heart Walk. It also became the first company in the Southeast to break the $100,000 fund-raising mark.

Vanderbilt has been the host of the Heart Walk for four years. More than 8,000 participants helped exceed the total fund-raising goal of $613,000.

“Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in Tennessee, topping the next categories combined,” said Mark Penkhus, executive director and chief operating officer of Vanderbilt Hospital.

“As a leader in treating heart disease and research for finding a cure, Vanderbilt University Medical Center is very pleased with this year’s results and encourage everyone throughout Tennessee to get involved.”

Vanderbilt not only ranks first place in the fund-raising category for University/Medical Centers, it also ranks fifth in overall American Heart Walk donations among all companies nationwide. Last year, VUMC was listed as the 10th highest income-raising company in the United States.