April 9, 2004

VCH food court to offer national chain selections

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Khassan Baiev. Photo by Mary Donaldson

VCH food court to offer national chain selections

Four popular national food chains have signed contracts to set up shop inside the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital this summer. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Subway and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream will join Susie’s coffee shop and the Vanderbilt Café, a traditional ‘meat ‘n three’ style restaurant.

“We are very excited to offer foods that our patients and families are familiar with and enjoy,” said Terrell Smith, an administrative director for Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. “Children who are having difficulty eating because of their illnesses or their treatments often tell us that familiar foods that remind them of fun or special times are important to them.”

The restaurants will work with the same firm that designed the hospital to build their outlets. Earl Swensson associates has finalized a plan for Subway and a combination Taco Bell/Pizza Hut, and is working to finalize plans with Ben & Jerry’s.

Patients and their families can expect the first outlet, Subway, to open in May. The others are scheduled to open in June.