April 26, 2012

VICC scientific retreat to explore advances in lung cancer research

VICC scientific retreat to explore advances in lung cancer research

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center will hold its annual retreat Tuesday, May 8, from 8 a.m. to noon in the Vanderbilt Student Life Center.

The theme for this year’s retreat is “New Horizons in Lung Cancer Research,” featuring presentations from four nationally recognized lung cancer researchers.

• Denise Aberle, M.D., Department of Radiological Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, will discuss lung cancer screening;

• Charles Rudin, M.D., Ph.D., Lung Cancer Therapeutics Program, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, will present “Targeted hedgehog in basal cell carcinoma;”

• Robert Keith, M.D., from the University of Colorado, Denver, and the Eastern Colorado VA HealthCare System, will discuss “Prostaglandin manipulation for lung cancer chemoprevention;”

• John Minna, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, will present “Defining functionally relevant molecular portraits of lung cancer.”

Lung cancer survivor Teri Simon will share her thoughts on cancer from a patient’s perspective.

Jennifer Pietenpol, Ph.D., director of VICC, will present awards for the Postdoctoral Fellow of the Year and Graduate Student of the Year, and there will be prizes for the best research posters.

The retreat is open to faculty, staff and patients who are interested in the latest perspectives in cancer research.

For more information about registration, contact Chad Maddox at 936-8537.