From left, Julie Bastarache, M.D., Lorraine Ware, M.D., and Ling Wang, M.D., go over data in the lab.
photo by Dana Johnson
VMG forms alliance with Shelbyville medical practice
The Ilarde clinic, an internal medicine husband-wife practice in Shelbyville, has affiliated with Vanderbilt Medical Group (VMG) as part of its commitment to provide high quality health care to area residents.
Patients seen by Jeanette Ilarde, M.D., and Aldo Ilarde, M.D., who focus their medical practice on internal medicine and the subspecialties of infectious disease and endocrinology, will see little change in the day-to-day operations of the clinic.
The Ilardes have been practicing medicine in Shelbyville for 10 years. Jeanette Ilarde, instructor in Clinical Medicine at VUMC, is board certified in infectious disease and internal medicine, and Aldo Ilarde, assistant professor of Medicine at VUMC, is certified in endocrinology and internal medicine. He is a preferred provider for the American Diabetes Association and serves as chief of medicine for Bedford County Medical Center.
“Our affiliation with Vanderbilt Medical Group and Vanderbilt University Medical Center ensures that we can continue to provide local care at the highest standard,” explained Aldo Ilarde. “The affiliation opens doors to new technology and a vast amount of resources which will help us in providing the best local care possible. While we want to treat locally what is appropriate, this affiliation also allows us to increase our patients' access to VUMC's broad range of health care services that can't be provided locally.”
The VMG Ilarde Clinic is the third clinic in Shelbyville affiliated with Vanderbilt. Other clinics include a VMG dermatology clinic and the Vanderbilt Page-Campbell Heart Institute clinic. Vanderbilt provides physicians at Bedford County Medical Center with all of its continuing medical education (CME), and has received help in that area from Aldo Ilarde and Janice Taylor, BCMC's CME coordinator.
“We are committed to being a leader in patient care and innovative medicine in this region, so we are delighted and excited about this partnership. We want to make sure the partnerships we form add value for the communities we serve as well as VMG and our partners,” explained Wesley O. Littrell, assistant vice chancellor for Health Affairs and vice president for Business Development. “The Ilarde Clinic has proven to be a valuable partner over the past several years, and we wanted to formally make them a part of the team."