Beginning April 2, Vanderbilt employees will be able to purchase tickets for the Music City Star at a reduced rate.
Under the agreement, Vanderbilt faculty and staff will be able to purchase all tickets at 21.5 percent off the monthly rate.
Faculty and staff who work in the Medical Center will be eligible for an additional discount of $1.15 for each ticket purchased.
The RTA discount of 21.5 percent is calculated based on the already discounted monthly fare but applies to individual tickets as well. For example, the pre-purchased single trip fare from Mt. Juliet to downtown Nashville is $4.50.
With the RTA discount, the cost will be $2.97. Subtracting the discount for VUMC faculty and staff brings the cost to $1.82, or 60 percent off the daily fare.
Tickets must be purchased at either of the Vanderbilt Valet offices (D-2100 MCN or the second floor of Children's Hospital) or the East Garage Central Parking Office.
A current Vanderbilt or Medical Center identification badge is required. Tickets are to be used only by the individual executing the purchase, are not to be resold and all terms and conditions of the Regional Transportation Authority apply to the use of the tickets.
The negotiated discount is largely due to the success of the MTA-Vanderbilt Free Ride to Work program. Vanderbilt was able to demonstrate it can significantly increase participation in mass transit programs through incentives to its employees.