February 24, 2011

VU surgeon’s new novel released

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VU surgeon’s new novel released

A. Scott Pearson, M.D., associate professor of Surgery at Vanderbilt, will give a short lecture and sign copies of his new novel, “Public Anatomy,” in Sarratt Cinema on Tuesday, March 1, from 6 to 8 p.m.

The event will be the first public release of the medical thriller, a follow-up to Pearson's well-received 2009 book “Rupture,” which is soon to be released in paperback.

“Public Anatomy” has the same central character as “Rupture,” Memphis surgeon Eli Branch, and, as Branch is drawn further into the labyrinthine plot, his knowledge of centuries-old anatomical drawings may give him clues to solve a series of murders.

Pearson's lecture plays off that aspect of the book, and is titled “Human Anatomy and Anatomical Art during the Renaissance.”

Publisher's Weekly has chosen “Public Anatomy” to be included in its Spring Announcement issue for the coming season.

Pearson's first bookstore appearance in support of the new novel will be at the Barnes and Noble in CoolSprings on Wednesday, March 9, at 7 p.m.