March 7, 2003

VUMC geneticists join mentor group

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Six Vanderbilt University Medical Center geneticists are joining a national effort to raise awareness about human genetics — the Genetics Mentor Network.

The network, sponsored by the American Society of Human Genetics and the National Human Genome Research Institute, includes more than 700 genetics professionals who will visit classrooms, museums, and other venues to discuss the exciting world of human genetics and genomics.

The Vanderbilt participants are: Julie R. Jones, Ph.D., research fellow in Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, Dr. John A. Phillips III, director of the division of Medical Genetics, Dr. Marshall Summar, associate professor of Pediatrics, Cara Sutcliffe, DNA Resources Core manager, Kelly Taylor, Certified Genetic Counselor and Family Ascertainment Core manager, and Alecia Willis, graduate student in Molecular Physiology & Biophysics.

Members of the Genetics Mentor Network welcome invitations to make presentations to interested student groups. Contact information for the VUMC mentors and for other mentors around the world is available on the Web at