VUMC investigators join ranks of Society for Clinical Investigation

Dr. Carlos Arteaga
Two Vanderbilt University Medical Center physician-scientists have been selected for membership in the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI).
Dr. Carlos L. Arteaga, professor of Medicine and Cell Biology, and Dr. Jason D. Morrow, associate professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, were formally elected to membership during an ASCI meeting in Chicago last week.
The ASCI, one of the nation's oldest and most respected medical honor societies, has 2600 physician-scientist members. Members are chosen based on their records of scholarly achievement in biomedical research.
"Membership in the ASCI is a most prestigious mark of success in academic clinical medicine," said Dr. Eric G. Neilson, Hugh Jackson Morgan Professor and Chair of Medicine. "The department of Medicine is very proud to revel in the accomplishments of its two newest members."
Arteaga and Morrow appreciate the honor.
"This is obviously a major highlight in my career in that it represents an endorsement of my research by the academic oncology community at large," Arteaga said.
"The organization is committed to the advancement of the physician-scientist from all aspects, and it is really an honor to be selected for membership," Morrow said.
The Society considers several hundred nominees each year and elects up to 80 new members, who must be less than 45 years old at the time they are elected.
"The criteria for membership are rigorous – demonstrable excellence at a tender age – and those who have been elected after a grueling external evaluation are most fortunate," Neilson said.
Vanderbilt currently has 37 ASCI members.