April 9, 2010

VUSN’s Lauderdale receives Mary Jane Werthan Award

VUSN’s Lauderdale receives Mary Jane Werthan Award

Jana Lauderdale, Ph.D., R.N., assistant dean for Cultural Diversity at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, has been recognized with the Mary Jane Werthan Award, given annually to honor an individual who has contributed to the advancement of women at Vanderbilt on a systemic level.

The award is named for Mary Jane Werthan, the first woman member of the Vanderbilt Board of Trust, and chosen by the Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center Advisory Board.

Jana Lauderdale, Ph.D., R.N.

Jana Lauderdale, Ph.D., R.N.

Lauderdale has focused on mentoring undergraduate students who are interested in the nursing profession, which has experienced significant shortages.

“Her efforts have a profound impact in the professional and intellectual development of women at Vanderbilt,” said Colleen Conway-Welch, Ph.D., dean of VUSN. “Her impact is far reaching into society as she mentors aspiring nurses into the profession, where they contribute to the health care system of the future.”

Lauderdale, a Native American, has a Ph.D. in transcultural nursing. She has extensive experience working with Native American populations and program design focusing on minority nursing education issues.

Before coming to Vanderbilt, Lauderdale was an associate professor and department head of Family Nursing at Louisiana State University College of Nursing.