Where are flu shots available?
In addition to providing seasonal flu immunization in clinics, Vanderbilt Medical Group adult services are offering another option for adult patients: central flu shot stations set up in outpatient pharmacies.
“The stations provide convenience for patients and a solution for specialty practices that aren't staffed and equipped to conduct immunizations,” said Racy Peters, associate director for VMG.
The station locations are:
• Medical Center East Pharmacy, 1006 MCE;
• Outpatient Pharmacy, 1815 TVC;
• Vanderbilt Health at One Hundred Oaks Pharmacy;
• Vanderbilt Health at Edward Curd Lane (Williamson County).
The stations are currently providing immunization against seasonal flu; immunization against the H1N1 influenza virus will also be provided as vaccine becomes available.
Vanderbilt pediatric patients are being directed to their primary care pediatricians for immunization.
Staff, faculty, students and volunteers can receive free immunization through Vanderbilt's Occupational Health Clinic (ID badge required). Throughout October, the OHC will provide on-site immunizations at scores of locations (no reservation is necessary). See the schedule on the Web, http://occupationalhealth.vanderbilt.edu.
Beginning Oct. 5, the OHC will also provide immunizations on a walk-in basis in their location at the Medical Arts Building, room 640.