August 19, 2010

White Coat 2010: Incoming VUSM class gets wardrobe upgrade

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First-year medical student Dan Tilen, who is 6’7,” had to get low to receive his white coat from Bonnie Miller, M.D. (photo by Mary Donaldson)

White Coat 2010: Incoming VUSM class gets wardrobe upgrade

In closer quarters than usual because of the heat, the 105 members of the incoming class of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine donned their traditional white coats in 208 Light Hall.

Uzoamaka Ugochukwu receives her coat from Scott Rodgers, M.D., left, Kimberly Lomis, M.D., George Hill, Ph.D., and Bonnie Miller, M.D. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Uzoamaka Ugochukwu receives her coat from Scott Rodgers, M.D., left, Kimberly Lomis, M.D., George Hill, Ph.D., and Bonnie Miller, M.D. (photo by Anne Rayner)

The ceremony took place last Friday before an auditorium crammed elbow-to-elbow with proud parents, loved ones, and white coat sponsors.
Bonnie Miller, M.D., senior associate dean for Health Sciences Education, gave the White Coat address this year as Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D., vice chancellor for Health Affairs and dean of VUSM, could not attend. Miller told the students that she hoped the white coat would feel just a bit heavy with the weight of responsibility it confers.

Kicking it after the ceremony were (front row, from left) Brian Palmisano, Kelli Money, India Reddy, Laura Armstrong, Lani Feingold-Link, Blair Stocks, (back row, from left) Matt Surdel, Anthony McClure and Scott McCall. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Kicking it after the ceremony were (front row, from left) Brian Palmisano, Kelli Money, India Reddy, Laura Armstrong, Lani Feingold-Link, Blair Stocks, (back row, from left) Matt Surdel, Anthony McClure and Scott McCall. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Light Hall was packed for the White Coat Ceremony, which moved indoors this year due to the heat. (photo by Mary Donaldson)

Light Hall was packed for the White Coat Ceremony, which moved indoors this year due to the heat. (photo by Mary Donaldson)

“The coats should not feel airy and light. They do not have magical powers. They will not instantly transform you. You will be transformed over the years here by your experiences. Remember compassion heals both the doctor and patient. The privilege of wearing the white coat must be earned over and over again every day of your professional lives,” Miller said.

Miller passed out the white coats with the help of Scott Rodgers, M.D., associate dean for Medical Student Affairs; John Zic, M.D., associate dean for Admissions; George Hill, Ph.D., associate dean for Diversity in Medical Education; and Kim Lomis, M.D., associate dean for Undergraduate Medical Education.



The following is the list of White Coat Sponsors as of Aug. 9.
The list was provided by Medical Center Development and Alumni Relations. For more information, contact Diane Watson at 936-0247 or

Dr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Abbate
Dr. Naji N. Abumrad and Dr. Nada A. Abumrad
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Alexander Jr.
Dr. William C. Alford Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Benton Allen Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Anderson Jr.
Dr. John Alan Andrew and Dr. Lori Rothstein Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Sib Ansari
Dr. Joe Franklin Arterberry and Mrs. Kathryn Ross Arterberry
Mr. Joseph Priestly Atnip
Dr. Geoffrey Scott Baer
Dr. Joseph C. Bailey
Dr. Frank M. Balis and Dr. Judith A. Cooper
Dr. Thomas William Ballard and Mrs. Sarah E. Poynor Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Balser
Mr. H. Lee Barfield II and Mrs. Mary Frist Barfield
Dr. Shari L. Barkin and Mr. Jeffrey W. Frumkin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leslie Barrack
Dr. Steven Allen Barrington and Mrs. Elizabeth McKay Barrington
Dr. Edward J. Bartle
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bassel Jr.
Dr. Elizabeth Ann Baxter
Ms. Betsy L. Bayer
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Beasley
Mr. Warren E. Beck
Dr. Charles R. Bentz
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Robert Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kirit J. Bhansali
Dr. Emily Elizabeth Binkley
Dr. Timothy Scott Blackwell and Mrs. Lesa Penny Blackwell
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Blair
Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Boswell
Dr. James Lewis Boswell II
Dr. Lauren Virginia Bower
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Edward Braverman
Dr. Laura Boehlke Bray
Dr. John W. Brock III and Mrs. Lisa Trusler Brock
Dr. Ronald W. Bronitsky
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brothers
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Ladd Brown
Dr. Bertell C. Bryan
Dr. Donald M. Bryan and Dr. Laurette M. Bryan
Dr. Joel Raymond Buchanan Jr. and Dr. Julie Ruth Fagan
Dr. and Mrs. Ponce D. Bullard
Dr. Samuel Bundz and Mrs. Angella Nutter Bundz
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burns
Dr. and Mrs. Ian M. Burr
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burry
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Busler
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Byrd
Mr. Russell Cabaniss
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Caldwell Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James Timmons Callis
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Camarata
Mrs. Ernestine P. Campbell
Dr. Christopher Canlas
Dr. Domenic M. Canonico
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Carmichel
Dr. Robert H. Carnighan
Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Carter
Dr. S. Frank Carter and Mrs. Karen Sue Armstrong Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Philip Caster
Dr. Elizabeth Leigh Cato
Dr. G. Roger Chalkley and Dr. Linda J. Sealy
Dr. Ravi Chari and Dr. Sharon Albers
Ms. Katherine Chauvin
Dr. Kathleen R. Cho
Mr. Thomas Lee Christenbery and Mr. David Beckett Frese
Dr. Benjamin S. Citrin and Mrs. Julie Ashby Citrin
Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton and Mr. Jay Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clingan
Dr. Nancy McCall Clish
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cobb
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Collins
Mr. Edward Gage Conture and Ms. Patricia E. Kenyon
Dr. Michael K. Cooper and Ms. Bethany Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Cooper
Dr. Bradley R. Corr and Dr. Sara M. Corr
Dr. and Mrs. R. Steven Couch
Dr. Marshall H. Crenshaw and Mrs. Jane Foy Crenshaw
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Curry
Dr. Daniel Lawrence Dale
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Dalence
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Dalley
Dr. Peter Helge Damp and Dr. Julie Boyd Damp
Dr. Linda Ann Danieu
Mr. Paul Harvey Dawes and Mrs. Betsy Neal Dawes
Dr. Thomas Elkins Day
Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. DeHart
Mrs. Susan T. Derryberry
Dr. Neerav Desai
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Diggs
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Dina
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Donahue
Dr. Robert K. Dorton
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Dufresne Jr.
Dr. David E. Dugger
Dr. Malcolm P. Duncan
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Duncavage
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carl Dyer Jr.
Dr. Ronald D. Eavey and Dr. Sheila Desmond
Dr. Kathryn M. Edwards and Mr. William John Edwards
The Emergency Physicians at Summit Medical Center
Dr. Roy Ellsworth Erb and Mrs. Susan Roach Erb
Dr. and Mrs. Tahsin M. Ergin
Dr. Russ David Erman
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Eskind
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Estes
Dr. and Mrs. E. William Ewers
Dr. and Mrs. Vernat Exil
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Exton
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ezell Jr.
Dr. David Anthony Feiock and Dr. Sarah Justine Gladstone
Mr. Robert P. Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Fenichel
Dr. and Mrs. M. Craig Ferrell
Dr. Lauren Gayle Ficks
Dr. John O. Fitts
Dr. James A. Flatt and Mrs. Elizabeth Reeves Flatt
Dr. Lesley C. French and Mr. David N. Childs
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Frisse
Dr. Roy Tyler Frizzell and Mrs. Barbara Andrews Frizzell
Dr. Howard Adam Fuchs and Dr. D. Catherine Fuchs
Dr. Lauren Peters Fulkerson and Mr. Michael Ryan Fulkerson
Dr. Ephrahim Garcia and Dr. Anna Marie Garcia
Dr. and Mrs. G. Waldon Garriss III
Dr. James C. Gay and Dr. Elizabeth Pierce
Dr. Timothy John Gensler and Dr. Amy Joyce Gensler
Dr. James H. Gilfoil
Dr. Jonathan D. Gitlin and Ms. Patricia Hodgman
Mr. Ronald E. Glenn Sr.
Dr. D. Bruce Glover
Dr. Beth E. Goldbaum
Dr. John T. Goodgame Sr.
Dr. David S. Gordon
Dr. Jennifer K. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Neil A. Green
Dr. R. Glenn Greene
Dr. Clark R. Gregg and Dr. Susan Brittingham Gregg
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Grogan
Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Grote
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Groves
Dr. Steven Smiley Guest
Dr. and Mrs. W. Quinton Gurley Jr.
Dr. Ruth M. Hagstrom
Dr. Jeff B. Hales and Dr. Laura C. Hales
Dr. Robert L. Haley Jr.
Dr. William Patrick Hamilton and Dr. Katherine Stokes Hamilton
Dr. Sarah Page Hammond
Dr. Thomas E. Hanes and Ms. Julie Hanes
Dr. Harriet M. Harman
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harrell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey B. Harwell Jr.
Ms. Becky Hauk
Dr. Cauley W. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Heerman
Dr. Murray Heimberg and Mrs. Anna Langlois Heimberg
Dr. David G. Boland and Dr. Caroline R. Heise
Dr. Celeste Ojeda Hemingway and Mr. Graham Stuart Hemingway
Dr. Paula C. Herrmann
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Herron
Dr. George C. Hill (in memory of Dr. Linda P. Hare-Hill)
Dr. and Mrs. Rodrick Hinshaw
Dr. James M. Hinson Jr.
Dr. Charlie Joe Hobdy and Mrs. Henrietta Bryant Hobdy
Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Hoffman
Dr. George W. Holcomb and Mrs. Karen Duvier Holcomb
Dr. Ralph Duane Holland and Dr. Nancy D. Holland
Dr. Robert W. Holloway
Dr. Jeremy K. Hon and Dr. Lynda L.B. Hon
Dr. Derek Lee Horstemeyer
Dr. Ellen E. Hrabovsky
Dr. Charles B. Huddleston
Dr. Billy G. Hudson and Dr. Julie K. Hudson
Dr. John D. Hutcherson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hydrick
Dr. and Mrs. Kent Kunio Ishihara
Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Jackson
Dr. Astrid G. Jain
Dr. David H. James Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Jankolovits
Dr. William Thomas Johanson
Dr. Corbin Johnson
Mrs. Jeanine Scott Johnson
Dr. Joseph Johnson and Dr. Karen Johnson
Dr. A. Garland Jonas Jr.
Dr. K. Bruce Jones and Mrs. Carol Munger Jones
Dr. John R. Jones
Dr. Milnor Jones and Mrs. Miriam Conner Jones
Dr. Roger C. Jones and Mrs. Lucy Mclaury Jones
Dr. Karen M. Joos
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Judy
Dr. Spyros A. Kalams and Dr. Lisa A. Mendes
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Kaye
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Keckley Jr.
Dr. Clinton D. Kemp and Dr. Jean D. Kemp
Dr. Jonathan David Kirsch
Dr. Patricia Chu Klap
Dr. Anne Meredith Knudsen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Labadie
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Lane
Dr. Irene O. Lao and Mr. Philip C. Lao
Dr. Kurt Karl Lark and Dr. Rebecca Long Lark
Dr. and Mrs. Duane R. Larson
Dr. Catherine Coolidge Lastavica and Mr. John Lastavica
Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Latham
Dr. Patrik J. Lavin
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Lefkowitz Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leiman
Dr. Charles Edward Leonard II
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Lichtenstein
Dr. Deborah Lightner
Dr. and Mrs. Sauyu Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Litzner
Dr. and Mrs. Richard John LoCicero
Dr. C. Michael Locke
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Raymond Lockney
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Logan
Dr. Greg A. Loitz
Dr. and Mrs. H. Newton Lovvorn
Dr. Timothy Lowe
Dr. Whitson Lowe and Dr. Sandra Vogt Lowe
Dr. Zigmund A. Luka
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lundquist
Dr. and Mrs. James Matthew Luther
Dr. Sidney D. Machefsky
Dr. James A. Maddy
Dr. Mark James Maffett
Dr. Noble M. Maleque
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mallard
Mr. Chit Mallipeddi
Dr. and Mrs. James B. D. Mark
Dr. Diana Marver
Dr. K. Byron Skubi and Dr. Jane A. Mays
Dr. Bertha K. Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. James V. McArdle
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. McCammon
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Jay McKenna
Dr. Carolyn Howard McKinley
Dr. T. Dwight McKinney
Dr. John M. McLaughlin and Dr. Julie A. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Meinz
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Jerry Merrell
Dr. Mary L. Michal
Dr. Kenneth Miller
Dr. Robert F. Miller and Dr. Bonnie M. Miller
Dr. Shamaal Mauri Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Misfeldt
Dr. and Mrs. Natwar J. Mody
Dr. Andrew Gibbs Moore and Dr. Katherine Marshall Moore
Dr. Robert S. Moorman and Dr. Jo Ann M. Moorman
Dr. Edward Lawrence Morgan
Dr. Jeffrey S. Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Moses
Dr. Robert Wesley Mutter
Dr. Ralph L. Nachman
Dr. V. Rama Nathan and Dr. Meena R. Nathan
Dr. John B. Neeld and Mrs. Gail Wix Bell Neeld
Dr. Henry S. Nelson and Dr. Kathryn W. Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Steven Nicolaisen
Dr. Mario Edmundo Nieto and Dr. Kristen Inglee Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Noel
Dr. Steven Roland Norris
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Nygaard
Dr. Ann-Marie Oelschlager
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ojeda
Dr. Richard R. Oldham and Mrs. Susan Eslick Oldham
Dr. William M. Oldham and Ms. Julie Ann Schreiner-Oldham
Dr. Diane Elizabeth Oliver
Dr. Holly L. Olson
Dr. Walter Omainsky
Dr. James Wright O'Mara Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James A. O'Neill
Dr. Lynn Bunch O'Neill
Dr. Steven F. O'Sheal and Mrs. Cathy McDowell O'Sheal
Dr. Neil Osheroff and Dr. Cheryl Ann Guyer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ossoff
Dr. Ronald E. Overfield and Mrs. Kathryn Jones Overfield
Dr. John R. Parker and Dr. Lynn P. Parker
Dr. and Mrs. W. Faxon Payne
Dr. David Andres Pearson
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Richard Pelster
Dr. David Eugene Penner
Dr. Jeremie Jesse Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Petracek
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips
Dr. Jennifer Ann Pietenpol
Dr. Michael A. Pilla
Dr. C. Wright Pinson
Dr. Lon S. Poliner
Dr. and Mrs. C. McGavock Porter
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Powers
Dr. James S. Powers and Ms. Martha E. Wettemann
Dr. Ann Hutcheson Price and Mr. Scott T. Price
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Price Jr.
Dr. Donna Jacobi Pruett
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Pyron
Dr. R. Richard Ramnath
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ramsey
Dr. Judson G. Randolph
Dr. Thomas Patrick Rauth and Dr. Lindsay Jenna Rauth
Ms. Mary E. Rawn
Sarah and Randall Reynolds
Dr. James T. Rhea
Dr. Jack O. Rice and Mrs. Joan Pelot Rice
Dr. Ron N. Rice and Mrs. Pamela Clapp Rice
Dr. Bruce Earle Richards and Dr. Sherrie A. Richards
Dr. Airron Lamar Richardson
Dr. Robert E. Richie and Dr. Mary Fern Richie
Dr. Randall Rickard and Dr. Susan T. Andrews
Dr. Eric Charles Ringwalt and Ms. Mary VanAntwerp Ringwalt
Mr. Kenneth L. Roberts and Mrs. Delphine Sloan Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rochford
Dr. Scott McLaurin Rodgers
Dr. S. Trent Rosenbloom and Mrs. Ellie Weiss Rosenbloom
Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt E. Rousseau
Dr. Donald H. Rubin and Dr. Esther Eisenberg
Dr. Rima Nasrallah Rusnak
Dr. James E. Russell and Mrs. Mary Sue Treadway Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Saiter Jr.
Dr. Samuel A. Santoro and Dr. Mary M. Zutter
Dr. William Schaffner and Ms. Lois C. Knight
Dr. Frank John Schlehr Jr.
Dr. Harry Lowell Schroeder
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schultenover
Dr. Jacob P. Schwarz and Dr. Anna R. Hemnes
Dr. Paul W. Scott
Dr. Roanne Selinger and Mr. Todd Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Benton A. Sellers
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Sergent
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Settle
Dr. Lathan Ed Settle and Mrs. Cecile Moore Settle
Mr. and Mrs. Kaushik J. Shah
Dr. John K. Shaver and Dr. Michele R. Staunton Shaver
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shumer
Dr. John L. Shuster
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Sineway
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Singleton
Dr. Gregory J. Skarulis
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Smith
Mr. B. Douglas Smith and Ms. Louise Rollins-Smith
Dr. George E. Smith
Dr. Jonathan Cope Smith
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Snyder
Dr. Laurence M. Solberg
Dr. Jeffrey Lance Sperring
Dr. David Jonathan Stallard Jr. and Mrs. Tina Milhorn Stallard
Dr. Christopher T. Stark and Dr. Mary K. Gingrass
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Stead
Dr. Richard S. Stein and Dr. Adele Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stempfel Jr.
Dr. Harry C. Stephenson
Dr. David Thomas Stern
Paul and Gloria Sternberg
Dr. Gregory Lee Stewart
Dr. Philip Craig Stites
Dr. William Pipkin Stone Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Stoney Jr.
Dr. Stephen M. Strakowski
Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Strong
Dr. Larry L. Swift
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Taber
Dr. David D. Tanner
Dr. William Gordon Tanner and Dr. Anna Butters Tanner
Dr. John Edward Terwilleger
Dr. Paul E. Teschan
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Tharpe
Dr. E. Dewey Thomas and Mrs. Joan Burchfield Thomas
Dr. John B. Thomison
Dr. and Mrs. W. Phillips Tinkler
Dr. Robert E. Tonsing and Dr. Sara M. Tonsing
Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Trapp
Mr. and Mrs. King-Mon Tu
Dr. John B. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Twells
Dr. William L. Underwood
Dr. Jan van Eys
Dr. Luc Van Kaer and Dr. Lan Wu
Dr. Thomas V. Vandergast
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Vickers Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Frederick Warner
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Warner
Dr. William Bedford Waters
Ms. Diane Watson
Dr. John Herbert Wehner
Mr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Weil
Dr. Michael Bruce Wert
Dr. and Mrs. John Robert Werther
Dr. John Jason West
Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas West
Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wheelhouse Jr.
Dr. Andrew Austin White and Dr. Kristin Nyweide White
Dr. and Mrs. C. Courtney Whitlock Jr.
Dr. Thomas C. Whitworth and Mrs. Ann McKnight Whitworth
Dr. Robert Theodore Wilder
Dr. Caren Elizabeth Gaines Wilkie
Dr. Jory David Williams
Dr. R. Bertram Williams Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Dale A. Wilson
Mrs. Patricia C. Wilson
Dr. Daniel K. Winstead
Dr. Robert Harold Wise Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Wolfe
Dr. Michael S. Wolfe
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen Woodward
Dr. Jonathan Michael Woolfson
Dr. Kevin S. Woolley and Mrs. Lor-Kim Teoh Woolley
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Wright Sr.
Dr. George D. Wright and Dr. Ellen Payne Wright
Dr. J. Kelly Wright and Mrs. Judith Culotta Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wurster
Dr. and Mrs. W. Murray Yarbrough
Dr. Yajun Yi
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Zackoff
Dr. and Mrs. John Alan Zic
Dr. Carl Wayne Zimmerman
Dr. Charles R. Zirkle