Surrounded by hundreds of family members, friends and future colleagues, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Class of 2011 gathered in Light Hall last Friday for the Convocation/White Coat Ceremony.
The ceremony, normally held in the Chapman Quadrangle, was moved indoors due to the heat.
The traditional donning of the signature white garment marks the official entrance into medical school for the 104 members of VUSM’s 131st class and came following a week of orientation events.
This year’s class of incoming medical students hails from 30 states, nine foreign countries and 51 colleges and universities.
Sixteen of the new medical students are graduates of Vanderbilt University.
White Coat sponsors
The following is the list of White Coat Sponsors as of Aug. 10. The list was provided by the Office of Annual Giving. For more information, contact Diane Watson at 936-0247 or
Dr. Oran Sacha Aaronson and Dr. Shannon Bishop Snyder
Dr. Adam C. Abram
Drs. Naji N. and Nada A. Abumrad
Mrs. Emily Harvey Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Adams
Dr. Lateef Alabi Adelani
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wayne Adkisson
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Alexander Jr.
Dr. William C. Alford Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Benton Allen Jr.
Drs. George S. and Shannon Hersey Allen
Dr. Alice H. Altstatt
Dr. Ann-Marie Amies-Oelschlager
Dr. and Mrs. Milton H. Anderson III
Dr. Rochelle Filker Andreotti
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Sib Ansari
Dr. and Mrs. Louis F. Archbald
Dr. and Mrs. Rex E. Arendall II
Dr. Edouard Fitzroy Armour
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Franklin Arterberry
Dr. and Mrs. George Avant
Dr. Joseph C. Bailey
Dr. Theodore Dulaney Baker
Dr. Jeffrey Lawrence Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas William Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Anthony Baran
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Barfield II
Dr. Tyler Warren Barrett and Mrs. Kelly Meghan McGill-Barrett
Dr. Edward J. Bartle
Dr. and Mrs. Brett Ronald Bartlett
Dr. Earle W. Baughman Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Beasley
Dr. Robert Daniel Beauchamp
Mr. Warren E. Beck
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Begtrup
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Bernard
Dr. Erol Martin Beytas
Mr. and Mrs. Kirit J. Bhansali
Dr. F. Tremaine Billings Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Bills
Dr. Wyatt Heflin Blake III
Dr. David G. Boland and Dr. Caroline R. Heise
Dr. George C. Bolian and Mrs. Patricia Morrison-Bolian
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Boyd
Col. and Mrs. Steven Edward Braverman, M.D.
Dr. Laura Boehlke Bray
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Breinig
Drs. Samuel A. and Jane Kreplick Brody
Dr. Ronald W. Bronitsky
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Ladd Brown
Drs. Donald M. and Laurette M. Bryan
Dr. Joel Raymond Buchanan Jr. and Dr. Julie Ruth Fagan
Dr. and Mrs. Ponce D. Bullard
Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie S. Burnett
Dr. and Mrs. Ian M. Burr
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burry
Dr. Martha Jean Butterfield
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Caldwell Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Camarata
Mrs. Ernestine P. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Carmichel
Dr. Robert H. Carnighan
Dr. Orlon V. Carr Jr.
Dr. Murali M. Chakinala
Drs. George M. and Nancy C. Chescheir
Dr. Kathleen R. Cho
Dr. Patricia Shih-Ann Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Churchill
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Citak
Dr. Nancy M. Clish
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cobb
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Collins
Dr. James L. Connolly
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Cooper
Dr. Daniel Lawrence Dale
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Dalence
Drs. Peter Helge and Julie Boyd Damp
Dr. Linda Ann Danieu
Dr. Charles K. Davis Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. DeHart
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Denham
Dr. and Mrs. Terence S. Dermody
Mrs. Susan T. Derryberry
Dr. Neerav Avinash Desai
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Diggs
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Dina
Dr. Thomas G. Di Salvo
Drs. Sean P. and Janet Loch Donahue
Dr. Tianlai Tang and Dr. Christine C. Dong
Dr. Robert K. Dorton
Dr. Larry E. Douglass
Dr. Wonder Puryear Drake and Mr. John M. Drake
Dr. Guilford M. Dudley III
Dr. Wallace B. Duffin
Dr. Malcolm P. Duncan
Dr. Racquel Jeanne Duval
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carl Dyer Jr.
Dr. Barbara J. Little Earnest and Mr. Royce M. Earnest
Dr. Letitia J. Easdown and Mr. William James Booth
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eason
Drs. Frank M. and Sandy Johnson Eggers
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Elias
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Ellsworth Erb
Dr. and Mrs. Tahsin M. Ergin
Dr. Russ David Erman
Mrs. Annette S. Eskind
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Eskind
Dr. Felipe Vinicio Espinoza
Dr. and Mrs. E. William Ewers
Dr. Vernat Exil
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Exton
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ezell Jr.
Dr. Paul J. Fatum
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Fenichel
Dr. Charles D. Feuss Jr.
Dr. Lauren Gayle Ficks
Dr. and Mrs. Albert B. Finch Jr.
Dr. A. J. Reid Finlayson
Dr. and Mrs. John O. Fitts
Dr. Robert J. Fleischaker
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Fleischer
Dr. Michael James Fowler
Dr. Lesley Christine French
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Tyler Frizzell
Drs. Howard Adam and D. Catherine Fuchs
Dr. Steven G. Gabbe and Dr. Patricia C. Temple
Dr. G. Waldon Garriss III
Drs. Timothy John and Amy Joyce Gensler
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred L. George Jr.
Dr. Peter J. Giammalvo
Dr. Joseph Gigante
Drs. Steven P. and Jane Gilbert
Dr. James H. Gilfoil
Dr. Sarah Justine Gladstone
Dr. D. Bruce Glover
Dr. Michelle Bass Goldin
Dr. Steven A. Goldstein
Dr. Ricardo Andres Gonzales
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Goodgame Sr.
Dr. David S. Gordon
Dr. Gerald S. Gotterer
Dr. George F. Grady
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Grambow
Dr. Richard E. Green
Dr. R. Glenn Greene
Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Grote
Dr. Steven Smiley Guest
Dr. and Mrs. W. Quinton Gurley Jr.
Dr. Ruth M. Hagstrom and Mr. Robert G. Hagstrom Sr.
Dr. Robert L. Haley Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hall
Dr. James R. Hamilton
Drs. William Patrick and Katherine Stokes Hamilton
Dr. Thomas E. Hanes and Ms. Julie Hanes
Dr. Harriet M. Harman
Dr. Frank E. Harrell Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harrell Jr.
Dr. David Leonard Harshman
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey B. Harwell Jr.
Dr. Saul S. Haskell
Dr. Cauley W. Hayes
Dr. Stephan H.W. Heckers and Dr. Christine L. Konradi
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Heimberg
Dr. Harry C. Helm
Dr. Celeste Ojeda Hemingway and Mr. Graham Stuart Hemingway
Sen. and Mrs. Douglas S. Henry
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Herron
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Hickson
Dr. Michelle Hiebert
Dr. Michael Sean Higgins and Dr. Jennifer Ann Pietenpol
Dr. Douglas Lamar Hill
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hinson Jr.
Dr. Melanie Voncile Hinson
Dr. James W. Hoback Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Holcomb
Drs. Ralph Duane and Nancy D. Holland
Dr. Robert W. Holloway
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Hon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Reid Hood
Dr. Derek Lee Horstmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Horvitz
Dr. Gwendolyn A. Howard and Mr. Jeffrey L. Jones
Dr. Charles B. Huddleston
Dr. Daniel Payson Hunt
Dr. Larry S. Hunt
Dr. John D. Hutcherson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hydrick
Dr. and Mrs. Tadashi Inagami
Mr. and Mrs. Ray K. Ishihara
Mr. Todd Jackson and Ms. Emily Blake Hinman
Dr. and Mrs. Harry R. Jacobson
Dr. Mark W. Jacokes and Dr. Wendy Stone
Dr. David H. James Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Jankolovits
Dr. John Amis Jernigan
Dr. Ming Jiang
Dr. William Thomas Johanson
Dr. Cameron Campbell Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Ira T. Johnson
Dr. Joseph E. Johnson III
Dr. A. Garland Jonas Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. E. Palmer Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Jones
Dr. John R. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. K. Bruce Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Milnor Jones
Col. Stephen L. Jones, M.D. and Col. Kristen B. Raines, M.D.
Dr. Karen M. Joos
Dr. Lee W. Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Kaplan
Dr. Louis J. Katzman
Dr. and Mrs. Jack E. Keefe
Mrs. Diane L. Keeter
Mr. Michael C. Kessen and The Rev. Virginia Anne Kessen
Dr. Alexis Hangin Kim
Dr. Frederick K. Kirchner and Dr. Joyce Evelyn Johnson
Dr. Jonathan David Kirsch
Dr. Anne Meredith Knudsen
Dr. and Mrs. Otto Morse Kochtitzky
Dr. Eric R. Kreutzer
Drs. Joseph D. and Carolyn Jackson LaBarbera
Drs. Kurt Karl and Rebecca Long Lark
Dr. and Mrs. Duane R. Larson
Dr. Catherine Colldige Lastavica and Mr. John Lastavica
Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Latham
Dr. Patrick J. Lavin
Dr. and Mrs. John Willis Lea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Lee and Ms. Meredith A. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Lefkowitz Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. Lichtenstein
Dr. Deborah Lightner
Dr. Daniel W. Lin
Dr. and Mrs. Sauyu Lin
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Lind
Dr. and Mrs. Richard John LoCicero
Dr. C. Michael Locke
Dr. Greg A. Loitz
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Longino
Dr. and Mrs. H. Newton Lovvorn Jr.
Dr. Timothy Lowe
Dr. Zigmund Luka
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Lukens
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lundquist
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. MacDonald
Dr. Sidney D. Machefsky
Dr. Mark James Maffett
Dr. Morgan Lawrence Magid
Dr. Ahad Mahootchi
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Mallard
Dr. Kenneth Margolis
Dr. and Mrs. James B. D. Mark
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Marney Jr.
Dr. David J. Maron
Dr. Diana Marver
Dr. John M. Mathis and Mrs. Krista J. Crawford-Mathis
Dr. C. Ashley McAllen
Dr. John C. McGill
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Jay McKenna
Dr. T. Dwight McKinney
Drs. John M. and Julie A. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly Jr.
Dr. Heidi Meinz and Mr. Scott Douglas Buffett
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Meinz
Dr. Mary L. Michal
Drs. Robert F. and Bonnie M. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Misfeldt
Dr. and Mrs. Natwar J. Mody
Dr. Alex S. Moffett
Drs. Andrew Gibbs and Katherine Marshall Moore
Dr. Robert H. Moore
Drs. Robert S. and Jo Ann M. Moorman
Dr. Jeffrey S. Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Jason D. Morrow
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Moses
Dr. Brian Paul Mullaney
Dr. Ralph L. Nachman
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Neeld
Dr. and Mrs. Eric G. Neilson
Drs. Henry S. and Kathryn W. Nelson
Dr. John H. Newman
Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Steven Nicolaisen
Drs. David H. and Judith Niver
Dr. Jeanette J. Norden
Dr. Steven Roland Norris
Dr. and Mrs. Denis M. O'Day
Dr. Anne Elizabeth O'Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ojeda
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Oldham
Dr. Holly L. Olson
Dr. Walter Omainsky
Dr. James Wright O'Mara Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James A. O'Neill Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ossoff
Dr. Pratik Parag Pandharipande
Drs. Charles R. and Jane H. Park
Drs. John R. and Lynn P. Parker
Dr. Mark K. Parsons
Dr. Robert A. Partain III
Dr. and Mrs. Neal R. Patel
Dr. and Mrs. W. Faxon Payne
Dr. R. Stokes Peebles Jr. and Dr. Tina Vivienne Hartert
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Peters
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Petracek
Dr. Cathleen C. Pettepher
Dr. James W. Pichert
Dr. Michael Pietro
Dr. Joseph M. Plunkett
Dr. Lon S. Poliner
Dr. David Brent Polk
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Pope
Dr. and Mrs. Michael K. Porayko
Dr. and Mrs. C. McGavock Porter
Dr. Alvin C. Powers
Dr. James S. Powers and Ms. Martha E. Wettemann
Dr. and Mrs. William Anderson Preston
Dr. Ann Hutcheson Price and Mr. Scott T. Price
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Price
Dr. William T. Price Jr.
Dr. Donna Jacobi Pruett
Dr. Gretchen Patricia Purcell
Dr. James T. Pyron
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Ragan
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Raiford
Dr. R. Richard Ramnath
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ramsey
Dr. and Mrs. Judson G. Randolph
Mr. Wallace N. Rasmussen
Col. and Mrs. James S. Rawlings, M.D.
Ms. Lisa Rawn
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Rees
Dr. Theodore F. Reiss
Dr. Patrick Shawn Reynolds
Mrs. Sarah Reynolds and Mr. Randall Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Jack O. Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Ron N. Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Richie
Dr. and Mrs. Harris D. Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Charles Ringwalt
Dr. W. James Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Roberts
Drs. David and Rose Marie Robertson
Dr. Michael Richard Robichaux Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rochford
Dr. Scott M. Rodgers
Dr. Robert L. Rosenfeld and Ms. Rebecca Lynch Rosenfeld
Dr. and Mrs. David Bruce Ross
Dr. Stephen E. Rostan
Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt E. Rousseau
Dr. Rima Nasrallah Rusnak
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Saiter Jr.
Dr. William D. Salmon Jr.
Dr. John M. Salyer
Dr. Anthony Andres Sanchez
Dr. Martin P. Sandler and Dr. Glynis A. Sacks
Dr. Samuel A. Santoro and Dr. Mary M. Zutter
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon B. Savoie
Dr. Edward M. Schaeffer
Dr. William Schaffner II and Ms. Lois Knight
Dr. Scott Andrew Scharer
Drs. George B. and Clara Ann Meyers Schimmel
Dr. Frank John Schlehr Jr.
Dr. Lewis Karl Schrager
Dr. and Mrs. Freidrich Schuening
Dr. Marcy Lynn Schwartz
Dr. Paul W. Scott
Mrs. Ruth Scoville
Dr. Michael B. Seagle
Dr. Rhea Seddon
Dr. Eric Randall Senn
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Sergent
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Settle
Dr. and Mrs. Lathan Edwards Settle
Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Shack
Mr. and Mrs. Kaushik J. Shah
Dr. John K. Shaver and Dr. Michele R. Staunton
Drs. Brian and Kara Riedinger Shay
Dr. Leslie A. Shinobu
Dr. Bruce D. Silverstein
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Sineway
Dr. Gregory J. Skarulis
Dr. K. Byron Skubi and Dr. Jane A. Mays
Drs. Bonnie S. and Corey M. Slovis
Dr. Walter E. Smalley and Dr. K. Louise Hanson
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Smith
Dr. George E. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Snell Jr.
Dr. Jeremy Spector
Dr. and Mrs. Dan M. Spengler
Dr. Jeffrey Lance Sperring
Dr. David Jonathan Stallard Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Stead
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Steele
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stempfel Jr.
Dr. Harry C. Stephenson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sternberg Jr.
Dr. Phillip Craig Stites
Dr. Gerald E. Stone
Dr. William P. Stone Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Stringham II
Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Strong
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Stryker
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Taber
Drs. William Gordon and Anna Butters Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Tarvin
Dr. Mary B. Taylor and Mr. Michael Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Cooper L. Terry
Dr. Paul E. Teschan
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Tharpe
Dr. William F. Thistlethwaite
Dr. and Mrs. E. Dewey Thomas
Dr. James W. Thomas and Dr. Geraldine Miller
Dr. Justin W. Thomas
Dr. John B. Thomison
Dr. James David Thurston
Dr. and Mrs. W. Phillips Tinkler
Drs. Robert E. and Sara M. Tonsing
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Townes
Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Trapp
Dr. Marc Tressler
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Tribble
Mr. and Mrs. King-Mon Tu
Dr. John B. Turner
Dr. Walker M. Turner Jr.
Dr. Alan Philip Tuttle II
Mr. Douglas S. Twells and Mrs. Annette L. Twells
Dr. William L. Underwood
Dr. Jan van Eys
Dr. Thomas V. Vandergast
Dr. Marvin H. Vickers Jr.
Dr. Nicholas A. Viner
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wadlington
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Wagers Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Waltz
Mrs. Wilma Ward
Drs. Thomas H. and Sally Thomas Wareing
Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Frederick Warner
Dr. Bradford Waters
Dr. W. Bedford Waters
Dr. and Mrs. Horace E. Watson
Ms. Mary Diane Watson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Webb
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Webb
Dr. John Herbert Wehner
Dr. Peter A. Weil
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Weiner
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Weinger
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bruce Wert
Dr. and Mrs. John Robert Werther
Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas West
Dr. Linton B. West Jr.
Drs. Andrew Austin and Kristin Carr Nyweide White
Dr. and Mrs. C. Courtney Whitlock Jr.
Dr. Caren Elizabeth Gaines Wilkie
Dr. R. Bertram Williams Jr.
Dr. Thomas H. Williams Jr.
Dr. Morgan J. Wills
Dr. Daniel K. Winstead
Dr. Robert Harold Wise Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Wolfe
Dr. Michael S. Wolfe
Dr. Glenn Stewart Wolfson
Dr. Thomas Allen Woodward
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Woolley
Dr. and Mrs. Claude H. Workman
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Worrell
Dr. Keith D. Wrenn
Drs. George D. and Ellen Payne Wright
Drs. Stephen J. and Anna Trihas Yallourakis
Dr. and Mrs. W. Murray Yarbrough
Dr. Yajun Yi
Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Zimmerman
Dr. Charles R. Zirkle