August 21, 2009

White coats fit new Med students just fine

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Last Friday, 111 new School of Medicine students received their white coats during a ceremony in Chapman Quadrangle. (photo by Mary Donaldson)

White coats fit new Med students just fine

On Friday, Aug. 14, the members of the largest class in the history of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine donned their white coats, symbolizing the beginning of their journey to become physicians.

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D., looks on as Tyffany Chen tries on her white coat. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D., looks on as Tyffany Chen tries on her white coat. (photo by Anne Rayner)

It was a bit of a struggle at first, but Kevin Carr finally got his white coat on. (photo by Anne Rayner)

It was a bit of a struggle at first, but Kevin Carr finally got his white coat on. (photo by Anne Rayner)

“That means more than becoming knowledgeable about the technical skills and scientific thinking, but also compassionate, ethical, professional thinking,” Balser said. “Your next four years will be full of memorable events, and as you experience them you need to build your own culture within your class of caring for each other.”

Balser urged students to live in the moment and savor the journey of the next 200 weeks of training.

Hundreds of family members, friends and future colleagues gathered in Chapman Quadrangle to honor the 134th class: the Class of 2013. The Convocation and White Coat Ceremony marks the official entrance into medical school.

Bonnie Miller, M.D., congratulates Li Zhou after he received his coat. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Bonnie Miller, M.D., congratulates Li Zhou after he received his coat. (photo by Anne Rayner)



The following is the list of White Coat Sponsors as of Aug. 14. The list was provided by Medical Center Development and Alumni Relations. For more information, contact Diane Watson at 936-0247 or

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wayne Adkisson
Dr. Anita Agarwal
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Alexander Jr.
Dr. William C. Alford Jr.
Dr. George S. Allen and Dr. Shannon Hersey Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Benton Allen Jr.
Dr. Alice H. Altstatt
Dr. and Mrs. Milton H. Anderson III
Dr. Rochelle Filker Andreotti
Dr. Sue Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Franklin Arterberry
Mr. and Joseph Priestley Atnip
Dr. Michael Joseph Ayad
Dr. Geoffrey Scott Baer
Dr. Joseph C. Bailey
Dr. Frank M. Balis and Dr. Judith A. Cooper
Dr. Jeffrey Lawrence Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas William Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Balser
Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Anthony Baran
Dr. and Mrs. Lee C. Barfield
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Allen Barrington
Dr. Edward J. Bartle
Dr. Earle W. Baughman Jr.
Ms. Betsy L. Bayer
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Beasley
Mr. Warren E. Beck
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Begtrup
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn C. Bennett Jr.
Dr. Erol Martin Beytas
Mr. and Mrs. Kirit J. Bhansali
Dr. Sheela A. Bhat
Dr. Vanessa Jane Biggs
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Scott Blackwell
Dr. Jeffrey F. Bleakley
Dr. and Mrs. Gustav Arthur Blomquist IV
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Boswell
Dr. James Lewis Boswell II
Dr. Lauren Virginia Bower
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Boyd
Dr. Donald Wayne Brady
Dr. Laura Boehlke Bray
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Breinig
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Brewer
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Brock III
Drs. Samuel A. and Jane Kreplick Brody
Dr. Ronald W. Bronitsky
Dr. Eric Stein Bronsky
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Brooks
Ms. Anne W. Brown
Dr. Donald M. and Dr. Laurette M. Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Buchanan
Dr. and Mrs. Ponce D. Bullard
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Alan Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie S. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burns
Dr. and Mrs. Ian M. Burr
Dr. and Mrs. Swan B. Burrus
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burry
Mr. Russell Cabaniss
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Camarata
Mr. David Campbell
Mrs. Ernestine P. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Canlas
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Glenn Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Carmichel
Dr. Robert H. Carnighan
Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Carter
Dr. Milton Philip Caster
Dr. Peter Laurence Castro
Dr. Elizabeth Leigh Cato
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Chalpin
Ms. Billie Jo Darden Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Chauvin
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Citrin
Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton and Mr. Jay Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clingan
Dr. Nancy McCall Clish
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cobb
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Collins
Dr. Roger D. Cone
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Connolly
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Crenshaw
Dr. William A. Curry
Dr. Daniel Lawrence Dale
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Dalence
Drs. Julie Boyd and Peter Helge Damp
Dr. Linda Ann Danieu
Dr. and Mrs. Charles K. Davis Jr.
Dr. Thomas E. Day
Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. DeHart
Dr. and Mrs. Terence S. Dermody
Ms. Susan T. Derryberry
Dr. Jayant K. Deshpande and Ms. Patricia Neel Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Diggs
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Dina
Dr. and Mrs. John Holland Dixon
Dr. Robert K. Dorton
Dr. Brian C. Drolet
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Dufresne Jr.
Dr. David E. Dugger
Dr. Racquel Jeanne Duval
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Dyer Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Dzur
Dr. Letitia J. Easdown and Mr. William James Booth
Dr. James Eaton
Dr. Roland D. Eavey
Dr. Kathryn M. Edwards and Mr. William John Edwards
Drs. Frank M. and Sandy Johnson Eggers
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Ellsworth Erb
Dr. and Mrs. Tahsin M. Ergin
Dr. Russ David Erman
Mrs. Annette S. Eskind
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Eskind
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Estes
Dr. and Mrs. E. William Ewers
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Exton
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ezell Jr.
Dr. David Anthony Feiock and Dr. Sarah Justine Gladstone
Mr. Robert P. Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Fenichel
Dr. M. Craig Ferrell
Dr. Lauren Gayle Ficks
Dr. John O. Fitts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Floyd
Dr. Jenny Jo Franke and Dr. David P. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Harmon Freeman
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Tyler Frizzell
Drs. Howard Adam and D. Catherine Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Fulchiero
Dr. Thomas R. Fuller
Dr. Steven G. Gabbe and Dr. Patricia C. Temple
Dr. Clifford L. Garrard Jr.
Dr. Etoi A. Garrison
Dr. and Mrs. G. Waldon Garriss III
Dr. James C. Gay and Dr. Elizabeth Pierce
Dr. Timothy John Gensler and Dr. Amy Joyce Gensler
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred L. George Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Giammalvo
Dr. Jonathan D. Gitlin and Ms. Patricia A. Hodgman
Mr. Ronald E. Glenn Sr.
Dr. D. Bruce Glover
Dr. Michelle Bass Goldin
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Goldner
Dr. George F. Grady
Dr. and Mrs. Herschel A. Graves Jr.
Dr. Mitchell Jered Grayson
Dr. and Mrs. Neil A. Green
Drs. Susan Brittingham and Clark R. Gregg
Dr. and Mrs. Erich Bryan Groos
Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Grote
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Groves
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Hagan
Dr. Jack D. Hagewood
Dr. Ruth M. Hagstrom
Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hall
Dr. Matthew F. Halsey
Dr. James R. Hamilton
Drs. Katherine Stokes and William Patrick Hamilton
Dr. Sarah Page Hammond
Dr. Thomas E. Hanes and Ms. Julie Hanes
Dr. K. Louise Hanson and Dr. Walter E. Smalley
Dr. Harriet M. Harman
Dr. C. Armitage Harper Jr.
Dr. Frank E. Harrell, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harrell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey B. Harwell Jr.
Dr. Cauley W. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Heerman
Dr. Lloyd L. Hefner
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Heimberg
Dr. Caroline R. Heise and Dr. David G. Boland
Mr. Graham Stuart Hemingway and Dr. Celeste Ojeda Hemingway
Dr. Anna R. Hemnes and Mr. Jacob P. Schwarz
Sen. And Mrs. Douglas S. Henry
Dr. Paula C. Hermann and Dr. Edward Jeffrey Dinkins
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Herron
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Hickson
Dr. Douglas Lamar Hill
Dr. George C. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Rodrick Hinshaw
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hinson Jr.
Dr. James W. Hoback Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Holcomb III
Dr. Robert W. Holloway
Drs. Jeremy K. and Lynda L.B. Hon
Dr. Derek Lee Horstemeyer
Dr. Gwendolyn A. Howard and Mr. Jeffrey L. Jones
Dr. Ellen E. Hrabovsky
Dr. Charles B. Huddleston
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Hunt
Dr. Larry S. Hunt
Dr. John D. Hutcherson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hydrick
Dr. Steve A. Hyman and Mr. Mark Lee Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Tadashi Inagami
Dr. and Mrs. Kent Kunio Ishihara
Mr. and Mrs. Ray K. Ishihara
Dr. Gretchen Jackson and Mr. Heath Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Harry R. Jacobson
Dr. Mark W. Jacokes and Dr. Wendy Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Jankolovits
Dr. William Thomas Johanson
Mr. Corbin Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Johnson
Mrs. Jeanine Scott Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Steven Johnston
Dr. A. Garland Jonas Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. K. Bruce Jones
Brig. Gen. Stephen L. Jones M.D. and Col. Kristen B. Raines M.D.
Dr. Karen M. Joos
Dr. Lee W. Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Judy
Dr. Spyros A. Kalams and Dr. Lisa A. Mendes
Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Kaplan
Dr. Adetola Kassim
Dr. Louis J. Katzman
Dr. Jeremy J. Kaye
Dr. and Mrs. Jack E. Keefe
Mrs. Diane L. Keeter
Drs. Clinton D. and Jean D. Kemp
Dr. Alexis Hangin Kim
Dr. Jonathan David Kirsch
Dr. Patricia Chu Klap
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Curtiss Klasson
Dr. Anne Meredith Knudsen
Dr. Nina Koulischer
Dr. and Mrs. Mark M. Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kremers
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Labadie
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Lane
Dr. and Mrs. Verne C. Lanier
Mr. Philip C. Lao and Dr. Irene O. Lao
Drs. Rebecca Long and Kurt Karl Lark
Dr. and Mrs. Duane R. Larson
Dr. Catherine Coolidge Lastavica and Mr. John Lastavica
Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Latham
Dr. Ontario Dorian Lau
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Lefkowitz Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leiman
Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. Lichtenstein
Dr. Daniel W. Lin
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Lind
Dr. and Mrs. Richard John LoCicero
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Logan
Dr. Greg A. Loitz
Dr. John Garth Long and Dr. Marta Leona Gwinn
Dr. Timothy Lowe
Dr. Zigmund A. Luka
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lundquist
Dr. Rachel Lenox Mace and Mr. Gerald F. Mace
Dr. Sidney D. Machefsky
Dr. Mark James Maffett
Dr. Ahad Mahootchi
Dr. Noble M. Maleque
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mallard
Dr. Courtney Hopkins Mann
Dr. Kenneth Margolis
Dr. and Mrs. James B. D. Mark
Dr. David J. Maron
Dr. Diana Marver
Drs. William T. and Sally S. Mattingly
Dr. C. Ashley McAllen
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Jay McKenna
Dr. T. Dwight McKinney
Drs. Julie A. and John M. McLaughlin
Dr. Patricia E. McLelland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly Jr.
Dr. Heidi L. Meinz and Mr. Scott D. Buffett
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Meinz
Dr. Walter Jerry Merrell
Dr. Mary L. Michal
Dr. Todd Andrew Michener
Dr. Geraldine Miller and Dr. James W. Thomas
Dr. Jami Lyn Miller
Drs. Robert F. and Bonnie M. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Miller
Dr. Shamaal Mauri Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Misfeldt
Dr. and Mrs. Natwar J. Mody
Dr. Jamie Maria Monroe and Mr. Roger F. Dotson
Drs. Andrew Gibbs and Katherine Marshall Moore
Dr. Ilene N. Moore and Dean Edward Rubin
Dr. David Scott Morgan and Dr. Karen C. Bloch
Dr. Edward Lawrence Morgan
Dr. Jeffrey S. Morgan
Dr. Brian Paul Mullaney
Dr. Robert Wesley Mutter
Dr. Ralph L. Nachman
Dr. Joseph Joe Naoum
Dr. and Mrs. Hoke S. Nash Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rama V. Nathan
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Neeld Jr.
Drs. Henry S. and Kathryn W. Nelson
Dr. Dmitry Paul Nemirovsky
Dr. and Mrs. Reid M. Ness
Dr. John H. Newman
Dr. and Mrs. Allan J. Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols
Dr. Tamara Nix
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Noel
Dr. Steven Roland Norris
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Nygaard
Dr. Ann-Marie Oelschlager
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ojeda
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Oldham
Dr. Diane Elizabeth Oliver
Dr. Holly L. Olson
Dr. Walter Omainsky
Dr. James Wright O'Mara Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James A. O'Neill Jr.
Dr. Lynn Bunch O'Neill
Dr. Neil Osheroff and Dr. Cheryl Ann Guyer
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Overfield
Drs. John R. and Lynn P. Parker
Dr. Mark K. Parsons
Dr. and Mrs. C. Leon Partain
Dr. Robert A. Partain III
Dr. and Mrs. W. Faxon Payne
Dr. Denis Pearman and Ms. Carrie Denise Pearman
Dr. David Andres Pearson
Dr. R. Stokes Peebles Jr. and Dr. Tina Vivienne Hartert
Dr. DunFa Peng
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Peters
Dr. Stephanie Otis and Mr. Eric Scott Petersen
Dr. James W. Pichert
Dr. Michael A. Pilla
Drs. Fred S. and Doris E. Pipkin
Dr. Lon S. Poliner
Dr. David Brent Polk
Dr. and Mrs. C. McGavock Porter
Dr. James S. Powers and Ms. Martha E. Wettemann
Mr. Scott T. Price and Dr. Ann Hutcheson Price
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Price Jr.
Dr. Donna Jacobi Pruett
Dr. and Mrs. Joe B. Putnam
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Raiford
Dr. R. Richard Ramnath
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ramsey
Jillian and Chris Ream
Dr. Mark William Redor
Dr. Theodore F. Reiss
Dr. Patrick Shawn Reynolds
Sarah and Randall Reynolds
Dr. James T. Rhea
Dr. and Mrs. Jack. O. Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Ron N. Rice
Dr. William L. Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Harris D. Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Charles Ringwalt
Dr. Scott M. Rodgers
Dr. Robert L. Rosenfeld and Ms. Rebecca Lynch Rosenfeld
Dr. Stephen E. Rostan
Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt E. Rousseau
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Hardin Rowan III
Dr. Donald H. Rubin and Dr. Esther Eisenberg
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Saiter Jr.
Dr. William D. Salmon Jr.
Dr. Anthony Andres Sanchez
Dr. Martin P. Sandler and Dr. Glynis A. Sacks
Dr. Samuel A. Santoro and Dr. Mary M. Zutter
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon B. Savoie
Dr. Edward M. Schaeffer
Dr. Frank John Schlehr Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schultenover
Dr. Marcy Lynn Schwartz
Dr. Paul W. Scott
Mrs. Ruth Scoville
Mr. and Mrs. David Seay
Dr. Roanne Selinger and Mr. Todd Patrick
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Sergent
Dr. and Mrs. Lathan Ed Settle
Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Shack
Mr. and Mrs. Kaushik J. Shah
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Alan Shinar
Dr. Valerie A. Short
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shumer
Dr. Leigh Holman Simmons
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Sineway
Drs. Sudha P. and Pradumna Pratap Singh
Dr. Chasidy Singleton and Mr. Jarvis Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Singleton
Dr. Gregory J. Skarulis
Drs. Corey M. and Bonnie S. Slovis
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Smith
Mr. George E. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Snell Jr.
Dr. Shannon Bishop Snyder and Dr. Oran Sacha Aaronson
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Snyder
Dr. Laurence M. Solberg
Dr. and Mrs. Herman D. Sorensen
Drs. Caulley Fonvielle and Joseph Soto
Dr. and Mrs. Dan M. Spengler
Dr. Jeffrey Lance Sperring
Dr. David Jonathan Stallard Jr.
Dr. Christopher T. Stark and Dr. Mary K. Gingrass
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Stead
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Steele
Drs. Richard S. and Adele Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stempfel Jr.
Dr. David Thomas Stern
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sternberg
Dr. Zoe Ann Stewart
Dr. LeAnn Simmons Stokes and Mr. Lowell L. Stokes III
Dr. William Pipkin Stone Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Stoney Jr.
Dr. Stephen M. Strakowski
Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Strong
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Stroup Sr.
Dr. Larry L. Swift
Dr. David D. Tanner
Drs. William Gordon and Anna Butters Tanner
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Terry
Dr. and Mrs. Cooper L. Terry
Dr. Paul E. Teschan
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Tharpe
Dr. Justin W. Thomas
Dr. John B. Thomison
Dr. and Mrs. W. David Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thorne
Dr. and Mrs. W. Phillips Tinkler
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Tomford
Drs. Sara M. and Robert E. Tonsing
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Townes
Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Trapp
Mr. and Mrs. King-Mon Tu
Dr. John B. Turner
Dr. Walker M. Turner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Twells
Dr. William L. Underwood
Dr. and Mrs. Innocent Usoh
Dr. Jan van Eys
Dr. Luc Van Kaer and Dr. Lan Wu
Dr. Thomas V. Vandergast
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Vickers Jr.
Dr. Nicholas A. Viner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Walsh
Mrs. Nell F. Waltz
Drs. Sally Thomas and Thomas H. Wareing
Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Frederick Warner
Dr. William Bedford Waters
Dr. Levi Watkins Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Horace E. Watson
Ms. Diane Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Weatherall Jr.
Dr. Lynn E. Webb
Dr. John Herbert Wehner
Mr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Weil
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Bret Weinger
Dr. Michael Bruce Wert
Dr. and Mrs. John Werther
Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas West
Dr. Linton B. West Jr.
Drs. Kristin Nyweide and Andrew Austin White
Dr. C. Courtney Whitlock Jr.
Dr. Robert Theodore Wilder
Dr. Caren Elizabeth Gaines Wilkie and Mr. Richard Wilkie
Dr. Lynn E. Wilkinson
Dr. Betty J. Williams
Dr. R. Bertram William Jr.
Dr. Thomas H. Williams Jr
Dr. Larry G. Willis
Dr. and Mrs. Dale A. Wilson
Ms. Patricia C. Wilson
Dr. Shelburne D. Wilson Jr.
Dr. Daniel K. Winstead
Dr. Robert H. Wise Jr.
Dr. David Alden Wood and Ms. Jane Pine Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen Woodward
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Woolley
Dr. and Mrs. Keith D. Wrenn
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wright
Dr. and Mrs. J. Kelly Wright Jr.
Ms. Jill S. Wright
Dr. Joseph J. Wujek
Mr. and Mrs. Linnell Wynter
Dr. and Mrs. W. Murray Yarbrough III
Dr. William S. Yi
Dr. Yajun Yi
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Zackoff
Dr. and Mrs. John Alan Zic
Dr. Carl Wayne Zimmerman
Dr. Charles R. Zirkle