Suzie Brown, second from right, performs at the Back Corner in Nashville on Aug. 16, 2019. Other band members, from left to right: Sarah Aili, Scot Sax, and Billy Harvey.

Cardiologist Brown finds inspiration through music

Vanderbilt’s Suzanne Brown Sacks, MD, is both a transplant cardiologist and an accomplished singer/songwriter.

Vanderbilt’s Crowe receives the Building the Foundation Award from Research!America

Vanderbilt’s James Crowe Jr., MD, has received the Building the Foundation Award from Research!America, a national biomedical research advocacy organization.

Suzie Brown, singer-songwriter, meet Dr. Suzanne Brown Sacks, transplant cardiologist

Her twin passions for music and for medicine brought her to Nashville and to VUMC

Masking guidance updated — Masks no longer required in non-clinical areas

COVID-19 bivalent vaccine boosters available for employees of VUMC and VU, as well as patients

PheWAS reveals post-COVID-19 diagnoses

Using a high-throughput informatics technique and electronic health records, Vanderbilt researchers found that COVID-19 survivors had an increased risk for more than 40 new diagnoses.

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