
2025 New Year’s baby Siora Ray arrives only 12 minutes after midnight

First baby at VWCH: Cash Mitchell; first baby at VTHH: Gwennyth Trinity Grace Freeze-Stele.

VUMC Pets of the Day: Chewy and Jack

🎆 2024: a year of stories that made us smile, think and grow

Take a heartwarming walk down the 2024 memory lane. Relive highlights from breakthrough discoveries to patient journeys — and one long flight path.

VUMC Pets of the Day: Lexi and Harley

Dean Driver at his home in Gallatin, Tennessee. (photo by Susan Urmy)

The man who gave Angel 1 its wings

“How much closer to an angel can you get than a little bitty baby struggling for life?” said Dean Driver, 91, who converted a panel truck into VUMC’s first neonatal transport in his driveway.

VUMC Pets of the Day: Stella and Loki

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