Patient Spotlight

Patient Heather Burich with her husband, Alex.

‘That’s the most scared I’ve been:’ 23 weeks pregnant with a heart condition.

Heather Burich had just driven to Clarksville after an appointment on Vanderbilt Health’s Nashville campus when she got a call from a doctor she was yet to meet. The news about her echocardiogram results was alarming.

Gatlin Winter was in the hospital recovering from a heart transplant. His wife Ashlynn was in labor with their first baby. Could he get to her side?

With the help of the team from Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital, yes he could.

Heart transplant patient Scot Pollard and his wife, Dawn. (photo by Donn Jones)

Scot Pollard’s journey took him from the NBA to the heart transplant waitlist

At 6 feet, 11 inches, he played in the NBA for 11 years on five different teams before retiring in 2008 and never had any heart issues that slowed him down.

2025 New Year’s baby Siora Ray arrives only 12 minutes after midnight

First baby at VWCH: Cash Mitchell; first baby at VTHH: Gwennyth Trinity Grace Freeze-Stele.

Go inside the lab as Maddie Wright, a CF warrior, ‘geeks out’ over the science of Vanderbilt Medical Laboratories 

A 17-year-old cystic fibrosis warrior and liver transplant recipient with antibiotic resistance got to see science in action at Vanderbilt Medical Laboratories.

Two years after being hit by a car crossing James Robertson Parkway, Betsy Williams climbs the Capitol steps to thank everyone at VUMC who helped save her life

“The list of miracles is long,” she says.

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