Pets of VUMC

Pets of VUMC 2019 — Collection #5: Here’s looking at you, part 1

These eyes have seen a lot of love

Pets of VUMC 2019 — Collection #4: Smiling dogs, cat rebuttals, horse laughs

If you’re happy and you know it than your tongue will surely show it

Pets of VUMC 2019 — collection #3: Duos and groups

Companion animals with animal companions

Pets of VUMC 2019 — collection #2: Summertime pets

Those lazy, hazy, crazy pets of summer

Pets of VUMC 2019 — collection #1: Pets and their people

Ain’t it good to know that you’ve got a friend?

Pets of VUMC: A look back at the best of 2018

A handy, one-stop collection of the winners of the “VUMC Voice” 2018 Pets of VUMC contest.

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