VUMC in the Community

Volunteer gardeners bring creativity, imagination and fine motor skills to rehabilitation patients

The team helped liven up Stallworth’s courtyard by planting sweet potato vines, basil, daisies, roses, mint, rosemary and oregano.

“Kids in Nashville” fashion show unites local artists and Children’s Hospital patients

Lab coats serve as canvases for beautiful art

Katrina Robertson went from death’s door to a full life. Her story is one of thousands from the first 25 years of the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic

The VCCC opened its doors 25 years ago when AIDS was fatal and hope was rare. Today the clinic serves thousands of patients and is an international model in the treatment of people with HIV.

Coats, mittens, gloves among items most needed at VUMC Clothes Closet

During cold weather, people need warm clothes

An approaching hurricane. A critically ill baby. A Vanderbilt team flies in to help.

“The mother was so grateful that we were able to get her baby to a safe place.”

School teachers needed supplies. VUMC employees stepped up.

About 300 employees made donations and filled multiple LP PENCIL Box yellow bins with paper, pencils, crayons and other supplies

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