breast cancer

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban gift supports breast cancer clinical trials at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have made a generous financial gift to Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in support of clinical trials for new and better therapies for breast cancer.

Breast cancer genetics: new insights

Largest genetic study of breast cancer to date identifies 222 genetic risk loci, 137 genes and multiple signaling pathways associated with risk, providing important new insights.

Surgery for hereditary breast cancer

Similar rates of bilateral mastectomy in women with inherited mutations in high- and moderate-penetrance genes raises concerns about possible overtreatment of some patients, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Cell-free breast cancer “biopsy”

The circulating DNA that tumors release is a reliable metric of tumor genomics and can be used to monitor molecular changes in metastatic breast cancer.

Five-year, multi-site trial to assess lymphedema prevention concludes

Lymphedema study results could be a game-changer for breast cancer patients and survivors. The Vanderbilt-led trial found that patients with early detection who used L-Dex with additional intervention were less likely to progress to chronic lymphedema than patients monitored with a tape measure receiving the same intervention. 

Breast cancer biomarkers of response

Vanderbilt researchers have identified blood-based biomarkers associated with complete responses to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer.

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