Department of Anesthesiology

Gene mutations impair gut barrier

Mutations in a cell membrane transporter protein impair the integrity of the gut lining, contributing to chronic gastrointestinal distress for people with the mutations, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Social behavior brain circuitry

Vanderbilt researchers have identified a novel mechanism regulating social behavior: Neuropeptide Y signaling in the nucleus accumbens brain region.

Study explores possible drug target for neurological problems

A team at Case Western Reserve University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center has determined with atomic-level precision how two established drugs bind to and alter the conformation of a cell membrane transporter protein called NKCC1, shutting down its activity.

VUH adopts enhanced recovery for sarcoma surgery

Vanderbilt’s latest enhanced recovery after surgery clinical pathway was launched last month for adult patients receiving surgery to remove extremity soft tissue sarcomas, which are cancerous tumors that can arise in muscles, tendons, fat, blood vessels and other connective tissue.

Enhancing innate immunity in the lung

Vanderbilt researchers show that a TLR4 agonist improves lung immune response and survival in a mouse model of bacterial pneumonia, supporting the development of this drug to protect against pneumonia in hospitalized patients.

Dunworth named nurse executive for Advanced Practice

Brent Dunworth, DNP, MBA, CRNA, NEA-BC, has been named associate nurse executive for Advanced Practice in Vanderbilt’s Office of Advanced Practice.

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