Department of Pathology Microbiology and Immunology

Research team sorts out drug screen false positive results

Vanderbilt investigators have identified 13 previously unknown drug compounds that cause false positive screenings for amphetamines, buprenorphine (an opioid), cannabinoids and methadone.

Pua lands NIH Director’s New Innovator Award

Heather Pua, MD, PhD, one of 60 investigators to receive the 2019 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, will explore a novel type of cell signaling by RNAs in allergic airway inflammation.

Pampee Young, MD, PhD, left, Sarika Saraswati, PhD, and colleagues are studying the different ways fibroblasts function following tissue injury.

Cellular engines of wound repair have distinct roles

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that, in contrast to prevailing dogma, fibroblasts are not all alike; instead, they have distinctive functions following tissue injury.

Intestinal immune cell interactions

Understanding the roles of various immune cells that reside in the gut lining could shed light on inflammatory bowel diseases.

Jeffrey Rathmell, PhD, directs the Vanderbilt Center for Immunobiology.

Center for Immunobiology grows, bolsters program

The Vanderbilt Center for Immunobiology has relaunched its mission with a greater focus on human immunology, an endeavor supported by additional researchers, more funding support and designation as a Center of Excellence.

James Crowe Jr., MD, and colleagues are exploring how the body’s immune system gears up to fight off infection.

Vanderbilt vaccine pioneer James Crowe honored with major science prize

James Crowe Jr., MD, director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, will be honored today by the science and technology company Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany for his contributions to developing new therapeutics and vaccines against some of the world’s deadliest viruses.

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