Department of Surgery

Residents, fellows step up to help care for COVID patients

Following a Thanksgiving surge that led to record numbers of admissions of patients with COVID-19, residents and fellows from multiple disciplines have come together under the direction and supervision of critical care attendings to provide the best care to critically ill patients in Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit.

Guillamondegui named chief of Division of Trauma

Oscar Guillamondegui, MD, MPH, has been named chief of the Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care for the Department of Surgery.

Is it true that work on a COVID-19 vaccine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center was funded by Dolly Parton?

Funds from her gift have supported important advancements in VUMC’s war on COVID

x-ray of stomach

Factor involved in stomach injury response identified

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have identified a key factor that coordinates the body’s repair response to severe injury in the stomach caused, most commonly, by infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

New physician spotlight: Martin Montenovo

Martin Montenovo, MD, a liver transplant surgeon, has joined Vanderbilt University Medical Center as associate professor of Surgery in the Division of Hepatobiliary Surgery & Liver Transplantation. He began seeing patients on September 1, 2019.

Interventions such as daily spontaneous waking trials can help patients avoid injuries associated with intensive care.

Study to test cognitive rehab therapy for ICU survivors

Vanderbilt University Medical Center will study adult survivors of medical and surgical intensive care at high risk for long-term cognitive impairment to see if computerized cognitive rehabilitation (CCR) is effective in improving cognition in ICU survivors who often have trouble doing complex tasks, maintaining their finances and staying employed.

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