Division of Epidemiology

Epigenetic change to DNA associated with cancer risk in ‘multi-omics’ study

The new study identifies 4,248 CpG sites associated with the risk of seven different types of cancer: breast, colorectal, renal cell, lung, ovarian, prostate and testicular germ cell cancers.


Guide to a healthier, longer life: Get up and get moving

In a study of predominantly low-income and Black Americans ages 65 and older, the researchers found that those with the longest “sitting time” — more than 10 hours a day — had the highest mortality risk.


Unhealthy sleep linked to diabetes in a diverse population

Persistently unhealthy sleep, either not enough or too much, is associated with a significantly increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in a racially and economically diverse adult population, an international team of researchers has reported.

Gene variant may underlie diabetes disparities: study

The study was the largest ancestry-stratified, genetic estimation of the heritability of diabetic retinopathy conducted to date and included an unprecedented number of individuals of non-Hispanic African ancestry — more than 46,000.


Study of messenger RNA regulatory mechanism reveals cancer risk genes

The Vanderbilt study used RNA-sequencing data generated in multiple normal tissues, along with matched genotype data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression Project as well as large-scale genomic data for cancers of the breast, ovary, prostate, colorectum, lung and pancreas.


NIH grant supports effort to build expertise in genetic epidemiology research in Vietnam

V2-GENE, the Vanderbilt-Vietnam Genetic Epidemiology Training Program, will develop a team of researchers and educators to lead genetic epidemiology research of noncommunicable diseases across the lifespan in Vietnam.

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